
@Odin: Do you even know that the reason modal computing like iOS uses is gaining any headway is because recent studies have shown humans SUCK at multitasking and that we do much better at doing one task at a time with our full concentration? In fact we are SO distracted on our traditional computers right now that

Oy, this tired bs argument AGAIN. The ipad is just fine for productivity and education. As a matter of fact I am using mine to take HANDWRITTEN notes this year and read scanned handouts and annotate them. Moreover I can bang out a paper just fine, even with the software keyboard. So, sick of this bs. Multitouch

Eh, I will check it out.....but doubt I will be the target market....I wonder if there is one.

@ty007et09: Tried it about a year ago and wasn't impressed. Again, more work then I am interested in to maintain. I am not that into computers. But, Kudos to Ubuntu developers because I do think it will be a more viable alternative for more or most people in another year or two.

@Maave: Problem is a hack and requires tons of work to update and sometimes maintain. Not my cup of tea. Glad it works for some, though.

@Barcode711: Well, as most of well know here on Giz, HD is a bit hyped and overated. AKA I agree. Still a nice laptop.

Wow, this is one of the first Windows laptop designs that has me wanting to buy it since I switched to Macs. Sadly I just can't stand Windows. Nice hardware though for a good price. And please, I said this as a compliment to Lenovo and am not interested in a trollish pc vs. mac flamewar. I like Apple's philosophy

@Dr.Preston!: I would disagree for a few reasons. One: Jobs (assuming he wasn't just angry or lying) implied such in a meeting with his staff. I think it was the one where he said it was BS when google says they are trying not to be evil. Pretty sure Giz did a story on that one if you search for it. Two: Back

@BilboTeabagins: Agreed, while I would rather it wasn't google doing this, it is good for these networks to see that mass produced media may not be worth as much now as it used to be. Especially when we have had at least ten different spins on ER (I am looking at you Grey's Anatomy, and you too Scrubs). Not that

@Dr.Preston!: But, you better bet that iOS was in development and that Google knew ALL about it. Besides, Google being first certainly didn't help them set the standard for smartphones, now did it?

@buccscott1: You are seriously whining about carrying an iPad with you? Wow! Sorry that just sounds like whining when the wi fi version weighs only 1.5 and the 3g 1.6 pounds. It is lighter than MOST laptops and as heavy as a LARGE gourmet hamburger. It isn't that bad. Sheesh.....

Pretty clever. Hope he gets the opportunity to make some money with his ideas.

@kevinl: But, but, Kevin! That would make sense!

People like this should not be litigated. The fact that they are only proves how greedy media companies are now.

@Hypnosifl: I am not saying it is a definitive. I understand that their might be other explanations. As for Multiple Personality Disorder my psychology teacher wasn't afraid to look to a supernatural explanation for some cases. You seem oddly opposed to the supernatural. You can't rule out the possiblity of

Dude, somebody get this get a freeride longboard STAT! I wanna see him learn to shred some hills.

@SportBilly: Neither help nor hurt. Skateboard and by extension longboarding is a lot more about balance and foot placement. Otherrwise 6 foot people would have real problems boarding.

Very possibly living proof that body spirit (I prefer spirit to mind) dualism is not the debunked idea many naive neuropsychologists so desperately try to make it. It would be VERY interesting to be the lucky researchers involved in these girls lives. I am sure we will learn a lot from them. Though I am not so so

The first pic made me think of Jarod's flashbacks from The Pretender series that ran in the ninties.