@verziehenone: +1
@verziehenone: +1
@prestonspark: +1
You guys totally ignored tge two best HANDWRITING note taking apps on the app store. Smartnote and notetaker HD.
Wonderful, the entertainment version of Christianity which has literally nothing to do with the Bible at all. Sorry, Mark that you have never had a loving presentation of the gospel. I am ashamed "christians" like these exist.
@Byron Brummer: You can tell yourself that all you want. But, in case you missed it, Apple made the first productivity apps for the iPad. Seems as though they intended it to be used for at least some productivity or at least wanted people to see that it is possible to be productive on a touch screen device.
Oy, people! YOU CAN DO LEGIT WORK ON THE iPAD!!!!!!! I swear I am so tired of people saying you can't "do anything" productivity based with the iPad. Clearly those who say this DON'T have one or have one, but haven't looked at the productivity section of the app store, nor tried practicing with the keyboard. …
@Bryanv2: I think their real point is that the "app" is really multiple hand offs between multiple apps and this probably feels jarring and even slow. Wheras ios apps don't do that type of thing very often if ever.
Did not expect insulation from fat. Totally left field.
@vinod1978: Yeah, I dunno if MS did ne thing like that. It does seem a little silly to try and sell full MS on a tablet. Works fine on netvertibles and more traditional flip screen tablets. But, no one really wants those as much. Still useful for some things. Just not as much Gates had hoped. As to Jobs and his…
@vinod1978: HP is likely betting on WebOS on tablets rather than MS. That is my answer.
@Roger Leek: Giving them some of the benefit of the doubt I would venture that it has to do with the fact that MS is trying. Which is good.
So, why don't we just teach our kids the value of playing outside, or reading a book or learning something new through research at the library......if our kids don't learn to adapt to the tech that exists today then the Nanotech revolution will kill them. So, let's teach them to be responsible with technology instead…
@xander1062: Umm, digital sodomy?
@drewg: ditto
@The Squid: Yeah, cause 1000 some odd bucks is SOOO expensive and this wasn't targeted at someone who already owns a MacBook. Go troll elsewhere, please.
@rathorial: I dunno.....I think most hipsters are plenty open to new things. You just may have a high concentration of douchesters where you live. Yeah, there are hipsters and there are douchsesters. I try to not be a douchester.
@Black Knight Rebel: I think you are totally right. You described me almost to a T.
@Cupajo: From my perspective this is gen 2, lol. The first one just wasn't worth it to me.
Oh my fricken crapness.....that is a brilliant idea.....courier app for the iPad! I would seriously pay 30 bucks for that, at least.
I never thought I would say this....but I am tempted to pick one up. Then again I may wait for gen 2....