
I started re-watching Girls, just before Peter Scolari passed away.

Thanks for responding, but I feel like you’ve completely skipped over the main crux of my problem in that the standard of writing on Newswire has been much poorer recently, and for me, is a reflection of the current state of AV Club.

Totally agree with everything you’ve said and you’be also hit another nail perfectly: I don’t know where to go.

As someone above mentioned, the issue above is not the snark, but the quality of the snark.

IMDb is no longer just a database for the entertainment industry—which underwent a disastrous redesign roughly a decade ago and rendered the site impossible to navigate

I think there’s a difference between critic and commenter in AV Club in that the critic writes the headline, steers the discourse and grades the episode. I get that grades are by no means an objective barometer but that still count more than whatever those down here in the fray have to say.

There’s one aspect of the Roy/Keeley conversation that I wanted to add my voice to and that I believe it’s totally plausible that Roy would misread Keeley’s needs as she gears up for her new job.

Like I say, I love your reviews regardless of whether I’m enjoying this season more than you or not. I think you’re a fantastic critic and cop heat from some people who may experience the show differently.

Ted’s reading of Sharon’s note had me in tears, I thought that was really powerful from Sudeikis. I also wonder if we will have an payoff on the suggestion of Sharon’s possible drinking problem.

There are no avenues or forums to communicate how basic functions of the website do not work. There is no communication whatsoever from The AV Club editorial team about the disgraceful state of the website. At this point, what else are you supposed to do and is it surprising that people want to vent their frustration? 

Because I have visited this website since the mid-2000s and I am incredibly sad and frustrated by the complete nosedive it has taken.

Like I said, has anything around the story of Rowling’s transphobia changed?

Serious question: if you’re are so exasperated with Rowling and the prospect of a Fantastic Beasts 3, then why write about it at all? Will this narrative thread continue right on through to review time?

She’s a New Zealander and New Zealand is in lockdown?

Great to see this show being recapped, I’m finally up to date to comment. I watched S1 last year, but then had to do a rewatch with my girlfriend of S1 again before I could finally get up to date with S2.

I don’t necessarily agree with this review’s issues that it has with the episode, but I still think it’s a really good review.

Again, Sam Barsanti already spoiled this just after Season 2 came out:

You already spoiled the finale for me with the headline of this article that you posted just after the episode dropped:

I, and a lot of people I know who have seen it, have really engaged with it and enjoyed it.

Absolutely sick of his smug moralising, it’s laced in pretty much every article he cranks out.