make mine a 302

Except for, you know, the millions upon millions of people who don’t need a truck or SUV because they don’t haul things that can’t be hauled with smaller vehicles - or they do it so little that renting a truck when you need it is more cost effective.

Oh come on. Everything is wonderful,  the economy is the best, the biggest in the entire history of our country, and we just passed a massive tax cut that will pay for itself as soon as Mexico pays for the wall on our southern border (heavy sarcasm). It's not like every major economist has been losing their mind

Any time I see some claim they live their lives according to Ayn Rand, or have a username that name drops Rearden or Galt or Taggert, I automatically can’t take them seriously.

Yeah. I think I used to believe that conservatives were the ones using reason when I was a kid, but as I grew up, that changed. I learned that I got that opinion because I was surrounded by conservative adults who would cite cherry-picked statistics or anecdotes to support their case, while only presenting liberals as

I happen to not want to listen to the people who agree when Trump calls people of my ethnic background “rapists and criminals,” and I don’t think that’s an unwarranted response on my part because fuck those pieces of shit.

I just can’t take anyone seriously if they believe in astrology. Ooh! Magical stars! Vague declarations backed up by nothing more than confirmation bias! Amazing.

With his BMI and your standard Wisconsin diet of cheese, sausage and beer? Medically speaking he’s probably a ticking ti-

And yet in Europe, countries are successfully using e-cigs in smoking cessation programs. But, the US can’t just enforce the laws on the books. Too logical. 

This is insane to me. There are laws that prevent stores from selling E-Cigs to minors.  Instead of enforcing those laws (just like you do for alcohol and cigarettes), they are forcing a company to stop selling its legal, legitimate products.  It feels like major overreaching and that the proper answer is to require

Yeah, that’s a very popular misconception: that we had a lot of opportunity.

Those jobs that you can’t get because Gen Xers are still in them? They’re still in them because they had to wait years for the really old boomers to finally give up the ghost so the older boomers could move up to those positions. We’re still

And another out-of-touch comment. A huge chunk of Millennials work 50+ hour weeks (across multiple jobs in many cases) and have zero work/life balance, but sure... work ethic. OK.

Just a heads up, the challenge in Cheater’s Edition is not learning the rules, but keeping your kid from cheating in ways the game doesn’t allow.  Might as well call it “GOP Edition”.

Highest youth turnout for a midterm since 1982. Just sayin’.

Is there a Baby Boomer version where you physically destroy each square as you land on it so the next players are totally screwed?

Exactly. If you never stared excitedly at a CRT monitor as your 2400 baud modem slowly loaded up a blurry nude, you don’t deserve porn!

ITT: Millennials acting like they’re the first people to ever have to face crushing student loan debt, disruptive technology, and a crap economy and job market while being condescended to by previous generations.

Not speaking out while bridges are burning around you is effectively the same as burning bridges yourself.

X6 is crackpipe at any price.  This car(?) should not exist.

The X6 is and will always be CP in any form. In fact everyone involved in designing, selling, or buying one must have indulged at some point in the process.