make mine a 302

Turtles usually move slowly. 

I will never not be outraged at what McConnell and the other GOP Senate gremlins did to Merrick Garland. By all accounts he would have made an excellent Justice, and they did the American people a disservice by stonewalling his nomination for almost a year.

I rolled my eyes when I saw that new name for NAFTA. Everyone knows that was the one thing that Trump was holding out for, some idiotic name for it that HAD to have the “USA” first. A man so against globalization like him obviously couldn’t stand having all 3 countries grouped together as “North America”. What a

I’m starting to think this Mitch McConnell guy is a bit of conscience-free, partisan, hate-filled asshole.

‘The Trump administration has sued California for restoring net neutrality after the FCC struck it down last year.’

So here’s my thinking on this - McConnell isn’t dumb. He’s evil, soulless and hateful - but he’s not dumb when it comes to Senate mechanics. He’s got something planned. So, either one of two things is possible.

The SC has become a joke. The GOP doesn’t care about the norms that have given the Court legitimacy in the past and now will have two justices who shouldn’t be on the bench based on the fuckery of their nominations. The Dems, should they win majorities and the presidency in 2020 should just pack the Court.

I really wonder how many of the many anti-union people/trolls are smart enough to get paid, or if they think that they are just temporarily embarassed billionaires here to defend their eventual rise to promised riches.

Hey people, if Amazon isn’t paying you for your cock sucking, you’re one of the cattle they step on!

You only have to look to West Virginia to see that unions are the only way governments even consider reasonable pay and benefits for the most important public services.

Buddy, I know quite a few people who did what you said - go to college, get a degree in a “marketable” skill, etc... and still ended up having to throw boxes in a warehouse because the “marketable” skills they acquired are the same ones EVERY ONE ELSE was told to acquire.  There’s only so many spreadsheet farm jobs

Why not just come right out and say you support the rights of a corporation over people. cannot allow a union to shut down a factory at their will over a wage wat?? So basically slave labor. cool cool. I hope you got paid for this comment.

The 40 hour workweek. National holidays off. Paid time off. Sick days. Worker safety. Child labor laws. Minimum wage. Not to mention the American middle class. It’s no surprise that as union membership has declined so has the middle class. But y’know, if pulling down the other crabs in the bucket so you all boil

Wisconsin’s pensions were never underfunded. Since 2003, their retirement system has never dropped below 99% funded. In 2014, it was 104% funded. The reason is that for decades, they actually made their required contributions every single year, and instead of a flat COLA for retirees, benefits floated up and down

We do not believe unions are in the best interest of Jeff Bezos’s massive fortune...

“ Please try and cite an example where union workers have driven significant innovation in anything.”

And what’s their burnout rate like? Are they basically always working, as is the Amazon office culture? Do they enjoy the whole thing where you are encouraged to snitch on your coworkers if you see them being “ineffecient” as a way of getting promoted?

Management is not your friend.

What amuses me is your position is “Eff those union guys!” instead of “How can I get in on that level of job security?”

This is so so wrong. Everything about being an American worker has suffered as union membership has dropped. 

Have I really arrived before the anti union trolls? Well, let me just say a few things in advance.