make mine a 302

Well, this is the worst thing I’ve seen in a while. Thanks Rob.

Is there differences between airlines? In my experience, the flights that provide blankets/pillows are long-haul, and in those flights said blankets/pillows come in a sealed bag. Maybe it’s an American thing?

Oh, good. The kid being bullied for having the last name as Fat Hitler (tm*) is now going to be seen on national tv with him. That should definitely stop all the bullying. Which do you think will be shorter, the collective jail sentences of all indicted tRump associates, or the amount of time this kid is going to have

Yea, I ski Colorado and New Mexico and was taught that the skiers downhill (in front of you) have the right of way.

Yes, at least in Utah and Colorado the person uphill or merging is at fault if they collide with another person. If you hit someone, do not leave the scene! 

Skiing into someone is legally similar to rear ending someone on the road. The one who skied into the victim is at fault and DO NOT ski off! It will make it worse when they hunt you down. 

It isn’t normal. If you can’t ski without hitting someone you can’t fucking ski. It’s all drunks that cause these accidents. Skiing under the influence should be illegal. 

Utah has amazing skiing. Also its Sundance.

GFY Gwyneth I hope the jury awards the doctor MILLIONS. She should also have to film PSAs about how wrong that was. And be banned from Utah.


Take the “1" off the front of that price and it’s still a tall order...

Frankly, this seems like GREAT news to me! I suspect the population of people who would happily spend their money on an app to help Silicon Valley investors further undermine public transportation intersects heavily with the population of people who won’t think healthcare is a human right until they experience the

I don’t blame her. I see nothing wrong here. F the insurance companies.

If Boards were really interested in cutting cost and promoting inspiration within the masses that actually do the work they should re-evaluate the salary of a CEO in comparison to the workers.  Millions dumped onto a talking head and bread crumbs to the workers doesn’t inspire faith in the people.

Really failing at this challenge huh? This was literally the easiest one to cut out.

What I really am going to relish is the look on his face when the whole rotten edifice finally comes crashing down. When the marshals serve warrants and haul him and his snake of a wife off in shackles, to perp-walk them ugly-crying before the cameras, and it dawns on them that they will neither of them get to

Yup yup yup.  Few people even remember/realize that the Republican takeover of the NRA was a direct result of white conservatives being frightened than black people were arming themselves.

Yet when I occasionally try to remind the gun humpers who comment here that open carry is illegal in California because the NRA teamed up with Reagan to take guns away from the Black Panthers, they always dismiss me.

 Best summation of the photo op:

As much as it is good to criticize the man for this, Trump honoring MLK Jr. feels wrong to me as Trump probably would’ve been tweeting horrible things about MLK Jr. if he were alive today.