
I think it's his innocence. He comes across as incredibly naive and gentle. Apparently, these women are suckers for it. They're also damaged in their own way.

Agreed. But she's also desperately craving attention that she's not getting from her husband. And Norman is so obviously smitten.

Love your avatar. :)

I have to say I had that fleeting thought while watching them interact in episode 3. But, again, it was fleeting.

Totally agree. I've been trying to figure out what exactly it is about Chloe that I dislike. I think a big part of it is the actor. She just doesn't seem to have the depth that the other actors have. Everyone else is SO perfect in their role, and Chloe just leaves me cold. She just doesn't fit.

Me TOO!! And I was feeling foolish about it. :(

The finale wasn't perfect, but it was beautiful in it's own way. I, for one, cried like a baby. I will miss these characters very much, as well as the stellar cast, and what another season or two could have brought us. So many possibilities! Eva Green was superb. She broke my heart every week.
Side note: How the f***

Yeah before I heard that was the series finale, I thought maybe Lyle would come back with the mummy or something.

Best comment ever.

I was under the impression that Carol left because she didn't want to lose any more people she loves, not because she couldn't kill anymore. Due to the shitty writing, I'm not surprised by my own confusion.

I thought the season 2 finale of the killing was great. Top-notch acting.

That's pretty much all I was worried about in this episode.

Well goddamnitalltohell, I didn't think the writers could disappoint me anymore than they already have…and yet here I am, disappointed. I expected a cliffhanger, but not the way they did it. Such BS. It was great to finally see JDM as Negan, but within two minutes I was like, shut the fuck up and KILL SOMEONE! My god,

Hmm…didn't work when I tried it.

As you can probably tell, I really dislike them as a couple!


It has nothing to do with Abe's dismissal of Rosita, though. Sasha just never seemed interested in him romantically. And he's a dick (even without the Rosita thing).

Which is why I had no idea…I don't read the comic.

I'm with you. There is not one bit of logic in Sasha's supposed attraction to Abraham. Not one. I can understand Rosita thinking he was the only man (besides Eugene) that she would come across, but Sasha knows better! And the moment Rosita's gang came into contact with Rick's gang, she should have been like, nuh-uh,

Ah yes. Thank you!