
Josh Gad. Ugh.

I started crying when the Bates Motel sign lit up at the beginning (for the last time). :(
Although I did chuckle when Romero slammed Norman's head into the car. For some reason, I always found it hysterical when Romero would hit Norman.

Perfectly put. I was weeping like a baby by the end. It amazes me that I could still feel sympathy for Norman after all he'd done. But he was such a broken person, so damaged. I see his dying as the only humane way to end his misery. And Dylan would never be able to really put his life back together if Norman were

So many emotions. It was the only ending that could be, for sure. The brothers absolutely broke my heart. Of course it had to be Dylan who ended Norman's pain.
Such a wonderful series. I'm sad to see it end. I will miss these performances.
"It showed beauty in inevitability, and peace in quiet acceptance of our

Very helpful! Thanks.

Thank you! I guess I should go back and rewatch some eps.

I could have sworn there was a body down there, which is why Norma was so rushed to get the hole filled. But I've been known to forget details. :)

I thought Dylan and Emma are living in Seattle, no? I agree that it's logical for Romero to kill Dylan while Dylan is protecting Norman. Still not fair!
As for Dylan being the offspring of siblings, I just mean considering everything he's been through and the life he's had and all the realities he's had to confront,

It would really be devastating to have Romero kill Dylan. That just seems off somehow.
Also, for someone whose parents are siblings, Dylan sure is the most normal family member!

Duncle. That will always make me giggle.


Ugh, I had the same reaction to that conversation between Emma and Dylan. I fear that poor Dylan is in danger of not making it out alive. :(

Question; forgive me for not recalling, but wasn't Emma's mother buried in that giant hole in the front yard?? I don't remember Norma/n putting her in the lake.
Nitpicky, I know, but Dylan's last name isn't Bates, right?

He was terrible on The Walking Dead, so, no surprise.

I almost feel like they had work done on her face to make her look even more similar to Vera Farmiga. (I know that's ridiculous.)

Shallow observation alert…
Is it just me, or is anyone else bothered by the fact that the upper half of Madeline's face doesn't seem to move?

I felt so uncomfortable watching Rhianna live in a world where she seems to be the only person of color. There have to be more than two persons of color living in the Pacific Northwest, no??

Maybe to distract her, and possibly to keep her away from him while he's unraveling?

I REALLY don't want to see Romero bite it, but then, there are LOTS of things this show has done differently (than the book and movie). So, dare to dream…perhaps Romero will survive.

I'm pretty sure Emma's dad moved to Seattle as well.