
I guess. Maybe it's just that every so called "development" seems so rushed to me. The writing is just so sub-par.

Also, how does one bite a dick through denim?? Was the guy that well endowed, and possibly not wearing underwear? Sorry, someone needs to ask the important questions!

Not Buddhist, but Christian, apparently out of nowhere.

So many thoughts…So, Carol ran away?? They killed Dr. Denise, but Abraham is alive? Oh Sasha, you lost all credibility the moment you invited A-hole Abe into your home. Rosita definitely upgraded. I understand she's bitter and angry and all that, but damn was she a bitch to Denise. I'm officially sick of Morgan's

CORAL should have flies circling his disgusting hat every minute of the day.

Same genius who thinks the same of Abraham.

I'll be fine if Maggie dies, but I'd rather not see Glenn or Carol go. Especially Carol. She's the only character I actually give a shit about at this point.

Anything that makes me laugh like that on a Monday is a brilliant thing! So thank you!

Your posts give me life!!

Or like, Ugh…feelings! Can't have any feelings! My macho mask might slip!

I guess I've been so mesmerized by the wig and beard, the coat and hat haven't bothered me yet!

If they're keeping Rosita alive, they need to give the woman something to do. It seems like they've only intended to use her as a plot device, then kill her off.

I think because of all his little flashes back to Sasha, especially while in bed with Rosita. Then, the fact that they showed the necklace she made him lying on the ground. He didn't even notice/care that it was missing.

True. It's hard to keep that in mind.

Fine by me!

I don't know what smells worse…Daryl, or Koral's hat.

Daryl needs a friend. He's not really close with anyone anymore, not even Carol.

That's lots of ginger babies running around.

No. No. No.

God I hope you're right re Sasha. If she's actually into him, I will lose my shit.