
Yes!! I was in awe at that statement!

Well done.

Another point is that the excavation of the bones/materials from each burn site were not done in the presence of a forensic anthropologist, which is a huge error.

That was soooooo odd. "Sorry, I'm still thinking about that ribbon…" Okay, guy, calm down.

Aw snap!

That was great, thank you.

Oh I suspect he'll be back…

It's exactly the same way they railroaded the WM3. Once they decided that Damien Echols was "weird enough" to commit that horrendous crime, they got Jessie Misskelly, a poor kid of below average intelligence, to "confess" and include two other boys he hardly knew or hung out with. Once the authorities got their

Thank you!

If that's your thing, then hey, who am I to judge?! :)

Of course it's not the key. However, it's just one small piece of a very complex, suspicious puzzle.

Or, like the WM3, he needs to get Eddie Vedder on the case!

And there's no DNA evidence to prove that she did enter his house. But what does that have to do with the previous answer regarding Bobby's testimony?

The defense never suggested that the police murdered Teresa, only that they planted evidence once they decided he was the culprit.

Correct me if I'm wrong (for real), but wasn't Bobby one of the many witnesses who changed his story on the stand, testifying that he saw Teresa at a different time than he had previously told police?

I suppose it's funny if you believe it happened the way the prosecution says it happened. However, some disagree on that presented theory based on conflicting testimony and evidence/lack thereof.

That's exactly the point. There are just so many inconsistencies, from witnesses changing their story, to Manitowoc police continuing to be involved in the search of Avery's property when they should not have been there, to Brendan's coerced confession, there are just so many things that don't add up. Regardless of

He was seriously inept.

I found it even more odd that her roommates and/or ex-boyfriend "figured out" her passwords and checked her voicemail. The whole "missing/deleted voicemails" issue was so suspicious to me.