
I really thought they did a great job, considering what they were up against.

Exactly. I was stunned by that press conference! That should have never happened.

What's really upsetting is how often this does happen in our country within our justice system. It's appalling how local law enforcement can get away with so much. It's also incredible how easy it can be to convict a person on such flimsy, circumstantial evidence (not just this case, but others like it). Any time law

Teresa's DNA should have been ALL OVER THE PLACE if the prosecutor's account of the murder had an ounce of truth to it.

Totally agree. For me, that was the a-ha moment.

Sleazy as F***!!!!!

Oh no you di'n't!!!!

Agreed 100%

Seriously! Why the hell is every man within a 5 mile radius of Carrie in love with her?!?! I want to know her secret!

It seemed like Oscar was working the party, not a guest.

Oh he definitely looked back at either Alison or Noah and glared. I caught it.

I love that comparison.

Stop whatever you are doing and watch Breaking Bad immediately.

And she's not constantly on the verge of tears!

You're correct. My bad.

Luisa hasn't been in any of the courtroom scenes with Cole, right? Maybe they split up, so Alison is surprised at how well Cole is taking it when she sees him in court that day? Just a thought.

It bothers me how insecure that all makes Luisa seem. Even with all her flaws, Helen is still the only female character on this show that is forgivable (not sure that's the correct word).

They may have married after Noah was arrested (on the advice of the lawyer) so that Alison wouldn't be able to testify against Noah in court, if that situation should ever arise.

Or Starbucks, like every other "writer" in NYC?

I saw that more as Peggy being in shock.