
Undecided is probably the wrong word. More like I decided they were all scum and we as a country deserved to suffer the greatest, instead of outsourcing that misery.

Nowhere did I say they were equal, none of them. What I said was that none of them were worth a vote, which I still believe. Noone’s arguing that Trump’s time in office hasn’t been terrible, buuuut that doesn’t mean I’m wrong for demanding better candidates. Every single 1 of them were severely flawed, Hillary with

“As much as I’m incredulous about the undecideds, it’s the undecideds who are so precious about themselves that they require the local rally.”

She is a war crime supporter who participated in the 2006 assault on Lebanon. She has publicly blamed victims of violence and sexual assault. Why do you think she’s perfect. You don’t know her, I did. She’s a pretty face. Is that perfection? She’s not a hero. Real heroes are activists.

Now playing

I REALLY am loathe to defend Trump, but video CLEARLY shows Abe doing it first. This is why alt-right idiots bleat on about fake news.

You’re attacking someone for having suffered a sexual assault and attempted rape when he was a child. Go to hell.

Fuck your priorities

The presumption that I’m willing to give up fighting for rights just because I view the rights of people who don’t have the same advantages as me as more important is asinine.

Uh, no, I do which is why I ground talk about class and economics in terms of how it’s racialized and gendered rather than just ignoring them like a lot of the Corbyn bros unfortunately do. Also uh, I’m gay? So please stop acting like I’m some cishet? Is that too much to ask?

See, I think the problem here is that you genuinely don’t understand the thing I’ve said twice: Poverty is racialized and gendered. You’ve bought into the idea that the working class is all angry middle aged white people. Which is wrong because the poor and the working class are disproportionately less likely to be

I’m gay. My right to equal marriage is far less important than healthcare access, than the minimum wage, than workplace discrimination, than the erosion of the middle and working classes, than access to education, than school segregation, etc.

My point is that blindly supporting candidates just because they have a “D” next to their name, and blindly supporting the party because it’s “The Democrats” is foolish. Bernie is a democratic socialist, and DemSoc values are more traditionally democratic than the centrist/neoliberal garbage the Democratic party has

Uh, did you watch the actual clip? Because that’s not what he says at all. Yes the sentences are up against each other, but he’s not contrasting ‘ordinary Americans’ with queer people, women and POC, he’s contrasting ‘ordinary Americans’ with the demented obsession with Russian interference in the election. Which

. . .No.

There’s a difference between cynically ‘cashing in on blue voters’ and not having any chance of winning if you don’t join one of the two major parties though.

Ok, so if an anti-choice, pro-coal republican pledges himself to the democratic party, gets a bunch of DNC campaign cash for his gubernatorial campaign, and then promptly switches parties again after he wins, is he a better democrat than Bernie Sanders?

Well, the terms of Clinton’s fundraising agreement granted control of more or less the entire party apparatus to her campaign back in 2015, well before she was the nominee. Sanders’ agreement (and he did sign one) did not.

Good I’m glad you hate flying. Stop doing it so the rest of us don’t have to deal with your fucking bullshit.

You didn’t answer the question. You also have no evidence that your claim is true.

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