
No one is preventing or trying to prevent anyone from getting vax’d.

For me some days it is about the poll as much as the car, and I am happy to say that it looks like a majority of people here recognize the early chrome bumper styling of the C3 Corvette, a big block, a four speed, and stock appearance are worth something.

She shouldn’t have to respond to this. It’s very likely she had zero awareness of the organization’s racist past when this happened (twenty goddamn years ago); she shouldn’t have to apologize for something she had no knowledge of.

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

“At that age [19], teenagers are mature enough to know what they’re being part of.”

I’m really confused here as if the parents wealth was never a secret, what is a real revelation here? That Kemper won a creepy sounding pageant when she was pretty young? Also yeah, she was 19 then, but apparently grew up in a sheltered environment and might not have been able to make certain connections about things

I always considered buying one of these...Risky Business.

Did you read the article or just skip it to post that?

I’ve always found it weird that people concern themselves with what other people are buying. I have a truck. It’s really no one’s business other than my own as to why I have a truck. I don’t need to justify it to anyone else. These same questions never get asked of people with sports cars or people with motorcycles.

“generational trauma”

... no, one group of fringe of the fringe of one side stormed the capitol.
The rest of that side watched the whole thing on the news and said “well those people are idiots,” like everyone else.

But if you want to go so far as to claim one radical fringe element speaks for the entire group as a whole, I’d love to

Hold on a’re talking about a few THOUSAND complete idiots as one “side” in our two-party system??? Trump got 74,200,000 votes. Also, keep in mind that everyone voted BEFORE the capitol riot. VERY FEW Republicans support what happened in D.C., Qanon, or any of that stupid shit.

So do people think that comparing the 46% of Americans who voted for the Republican to Hitler/Third Reich is going to “unify” this country? I’ve been hearing quite a few yell “unity” and then say they want to deprogram all Trump voters. Just be honest that you want a political war and stop this disingenuous call for

It’s a person complaining on a Corvette forum. They’re not broadcasting it to the news and it doesn’t look like they’re suing GM.

You’d still be upset if you couldn’t do something you planned on for years.  The why is irrelevant.

The inability to see systemic racism and to actively defend it makes someone racist.

Go fuck yourself.

He saw cities getting destroyed across the country during BLM protests. The reality is indeed that most, not all, but most damage was done by people who just wanted to break things and not actually protest. So when you see these cities burning down, does that not look like an act of terrorism? Not everyone understands

I think the BLM = terrorism was spawned from seeing all the businesses and communities get destroyed. The BLM movement struggled at least initially to distinguish the people protesting inequality and the anarchists just there to break shit. And to be fair there definitely was over lap between the groups.

More truck hate from Jalop ... surprise surprise. Now let’s extend that hate to the perceived owners of said truck. Perfect. Fan the flames of a culture war and then sip expresso from my morally superior perch in Williamsburg.