
There doesn’t appear to be a place to mount a H or sequential shifter, is this thing only made for Paddle lovers?

No support for an H-pattern shifter? :(

The first stock I mentioned was Amazon which has a revenue of almost 470 billion. I’m sorry you think they aren’t a mature company. My main point was there needs to be a frame of reference and that other large car companies have lost 15-35% in the same 1 year period.  There needs to be context about how other similar

oh man, this rational take is NOT going to be well received here. but i’ll give you a star without verifying anything.

I am by no means defending Tesla or Elon but you need to compare TSLA to other stocks and the market before just rattling off that TSLA is down 51% this year. Just checked Amazon and they are down around 49% from last year, Nikola is 78.56%, Rivian 78.71%, Lucid 81.44,  Fiskar 60.93%.  Even the big boys like Toyota,

Producing our own would be logical and beneficial, but this current administration is full of political activists who are ignorant in their rush to move to green energy. In the meantime we ship oil from other countries who pollute the environment much more than we would. And by the way, those tankers run on the

Lol, not gonna happen as long as the Biden administration seeks to “accelerate the transition”.

TIL that illegal street racing began in the wake of “defund the police.”

So would this:

Even if the site won’t crown you the winner, you’re the winner to me

gotta say man this is all pretty rad - you did a lot of fun with not a ton of cash -a well loved car for sure

First of all, every single one of these heavy EVs has every safety system already baked in because of the higher overall cost. They have emergency braking, collision avoidance and lane centering as standard. Thus, they are better at avoiding hitting other obstacles than the average vehicle around them.

Nothing like “emergency powers” being used to take people’s private property without recourse.

So they’re repurposing a ship that would otherwise be dismantled in an environmentally friendly manner, and your take is it’s bad, just because it’s for a billionaire?

And if the dealership lands some schmuck who coughs up the big bux, that means they were exactly right in doing so. The dealership is there to turn a profit so they stay in business—duh. And if we’re actually talking capitalism, then charge what the market will bear. Make Adam Smith proud. If it turns out they

I think I might be burned out on apocalypse metaphors for off-road campers. see also: “Raptor killer”, “buy this so I don’t have to”, etc.

Yah. If you take away the “rah, rah, hate the rich” thing, a sentence of 4 years in jail is the STIFFEST penalty for involuntary manslaughter in Cali. And probation for a first offense is a standard penalty.


Do you live in or near Texas? That is quite a dramatic accusation based on one persons idiotic mistake.

I think the issue is that, mainly since the election of George W, though it may go back to Clinton, is that EVERYTHING is hyper partisan when it comes to anything political, and the same with religion to some extent. I am opposite of you, life long Republican, well more specifically Libertarian which may be better or