To answer your question, yes, in this particular situation.
To answer your question, yes, in this particular situation.
Oh, Justin.
Fearing for your life will make you do some sketchy things.
sounds like they’re about to be buttHertz
It’s relatively light, it’s easy to make huge power, and it’s readily available for reasonable prices, so it’s not going away until there’s either a better option or governments start putting extreme regulations on combustion engines. Why is it silly? Lots of people (most I’d guess) don’t care about originality. They…
Maybe when it stops being an inexpensive way to get decent power out of a relatively small and reliable package that has massive aftermarket support?
Can you show us on the doll wear GM touched you Erik? Because you basically found a non-story and made it sound like GM intentionally drummed up the interview and then gloated, neither of which appears to be the case based on the actual read of the Freep article.
I’ve heard it far more in Boston and Indianapolis than I ever have in the south and I live in the south.
Every time I read something about the “vanlife” crowd it makes my opinion of them go down a bit more, even when I think it possibly can’t.
make it a 2 door and I would be sold.
When asked how he felt after the incident, the driver said “rough.”
I’m giving you a star for comment effort.
100,000 layoffs? Unemployment is literally at the lowest rate its been in decades.
This is a prime example of early mussel car.
A car company with neither magnitude, nor direction.
But he didn’t get the ball tossed to him in the video either. So no matter what, it’s a “ball given to me by a guy wearing a Cubs jersey in the second row”. Just stop with your bad take.
Eh, I disagree. He had already given the front-row kid a ball, and so he gave this ball to another kid who (presumably) hadn’t gotten one. That seems to me like the good and just thing to do.