
I started dating my SO when I was 20 and he was 27. The reason it worked (and continues to work 5 years later) is that we met in undergrad and were in similar stages in our lives. He had been in the Army before undergrad, so we were both in school trying to figure our shit out. I'm not sure we would've ended up

I had a party a while back and this one poly girl came with her main bf (now fiance), but also invited one of her other bfs who then brought his main gf. So…maybe? Sometimes?

I know a few people in poly relationships, and my biggest question is that of time. Between work and all the other stuff in my life I feel like my (one) SO and I don't have the time to do all the fun stuff we want to do together. How do people make time for multiple partners??

I had assumed the person who got shanked (did we know that person? It was hard to tell only seeing the back) ended up living.

It's just a brojob…

Thanks for this, I had forgotten about that and was confused too. This clears it up!

My first reaction was "Oh God she's going to save the condom and impregnate herself!!" but I don't think this show would go there.

That's like, at least $300K in student loans

I think Fox just might be really terrible at making trailers. At the upfront, they showed a Brooklyn 99 recap of season 1 kind of thing which it made the show look awful when it totally isn't.

My favorite line of the episode is one I actually didn't see mentioned here: "I've eaten hummus with a pen cap! Don't tell me how to eat!"

I guess they were contractually obligated to show the Windows phone one more time

I love how they kept teasing that Archer was going to spit/spill red wine all over that white canvas "painting" but it never actually happened

They are calling them "Huckleberry Quinn" on twitter because everything is the worst

Me too, if it makes you feel any better

I read from a former campaign staffer that they were apparently considering Between Two Ferns during the 2012 campaign, but ultimately decided to do a reddit AMA instead. I think it was probably the right choice for that specific time, but I'm glad they did the Between Two Ferns thing now.

No, because those are good, genuine reasons to not like her as a performer. I don't even really watch Girls but I think some internet folks get way too personal and enthusiastic in their hatred, saying things like: "Why does this bitch feel the need to show me her ugly tits all the time" (an actual comment I read on a

I watched the Walking Dead episode first and then True Detective on HBO Go…I was actually embarrassed for the Walking Dead afterwards

My favorite part was when the family was on the roof of that hotel and the Charlotte skyline was featured prominently behind them.

Girls did it and everyone freaked out over how unrealistic it was. People are funny that way.

I just finished the entirety of Season 1 of Alpha House tonight and was really surprised by the low grade. It wasn't perfect but there were some really great moments and overall, I found it to be pretty enjoyable to watch. The way it keeps up-to-date and cites actual people and current events helps keep it pretty