
That is shocking. I just finished reading it yesterday and found the writing to be super juvenile. The main character infuriated me and the treatment of the two Japanese characters especially was soooo stereotypical.

In sororities the newcomers (aka "little" sisters) will get assigned a "big" sister to be their mentor and whatnot. So you'll see ladies call each refer to "my big" and "my little".

In Untucked when Alexis Machelle was like "I get it, you could buy this off the rack at Sak's" I could not stop laughing

Bob was in some sort of spot about trans rights with Peppermint, I think.

I brought my The Americans mug into work and no one knows what it is. :( It's the only show on right now that my husband and I watch live!

He looked like he was having a wonderful time!

Maybe the laws are different in Australia, where the book takes place? I'm not sure tbh.

Book spoiler on this subject below

She was more a very fresh out of college young woman who was way in over her head

In the book Jane does have a line there, but I really liked how the show handled that scene wordlessly.

I just finished the book so it's fresh in my mind! Madeline's family was definitely not as rich in the book. Not poor, but their house definitely wasn't as nice as the one shown. Renata's POV was not shown in the book.

The play petition wasn't in the book, but Madeline did work at the theatre in it. I just finished the book today so it's fresh in my mind!

I started crying when Guitierrez sadly panned the computer camera to show the sad place he was living in.

She is really good in Spy!

Oh my god THANK YOU I knew I knew him from somewhere and couldn't place it. How could I forget Cappie?!?!

He's a Mormon ex-CIA operative running as an independent. He's only on the ballot in 11 states, but one of those is Utah, where he is expected to do pretty well since a lot of the typically Republican-voting Mormon population are abandoning Trump.

She forgot it's not RuPaul's Best Friend Race

Have you seen the one where they show her Violet as her in the Snatch Game? It's amazing!

Phi Phi's 365 days of drag on Instagram has been really fun to follow

I assumed the hearse driver was there just to say the "You're going to be in here next" (paraphrased) line about her smoking.