
Amy Sedaris plays Louis' wife!

The Hollywood Reporter referred to it as "The McConaissace" which I am definitely going to use

The registrar supposedly closed at midnight last time I was in Vegas earlier this year. One of the couples we were with were engaged and wanted to get married at 3am at the place Britney Spears had her quick three day marriage or whatever, but apparently they stop giving marriage licenses out at midnight.

I'm way late on posting here, but the noise of the saw as Eli was waving it around was just amazing. I can't get over how well shot this show is.

The idea that a Republican Tea Party-esque candidate would have to appear pro-choice to win was probably the most unrealistic thing in this whole episode

Carol murdered Karen, not Sasha. Sasha is Tyrese's sister who is still alive and was trying to thank Bob for helping to save her life when she was sick.

Yeah, you have to get past the idea of decomposing bodies somehow being able to bite through healthy human flesh

He did end up alive, didn't the lady shove both him and Olivia out of the room and only blew up herself?

According to the Scandal wiki, Cyrus has referred to him as Rowan while everyone else seems to call him Eli (or Command if you're Huck). I guess he has a few different aliases?


The guy from the town (his name escapes me right now) that is featured in Clear burned all the zombie bodies

Apparently Miami is chock full of serial killers, none of whom ever get caught. Then when they disappear mysteriously the police department shrugs and says "Close enough!"

I expected him to get pulled over for speeding then arrested.


My favorite part was not even the studio laughter, but for when there were supposed to be "serious" moments like the one dad apologizing to Seth Green there was like, two people in the audience saying "Awww."

@avclub-8b5e7836dd068601d1d820b4147fde37:disqus they were the same pants! They made a comment about it on the story sync thing that AMC does.

There was a rumor going around my middle school on Long Island (I was in 7th grade on 9/11) that a map of our middle school had been found in a terrorist cave in Afghanistan. It's actually pretty hilarious in retrospect, that the terrorists would care enough to learn the layout of our irrelevant middle school so they

I stood up through the whole final scene as if I was watching my football team trying to make a game winning field goal at the last second.

I don't think I've ever had a reaction to something as strongly as I did during that scene. That's gotta be a top 5 moment in the history of TV.

I thought it was that same sentence, but with "shot" rather than "killed". I could be wrong though.