
I'm still partial to Meth Damon, personally

Tina Fey has a place on Fire Island, a friend of mine's family has a house in the same neighborhood as hers. I'm just really excited for another Tina Fey led comedy on TV, I miss 30 Rock a lot.

Sounds like Miami Metro from Dexter would fit right in. Murder suspect seems to disappear out of thin air? Case closed!

It's a real shame he hasn't been nominated for Best Supporting Actor. I know Aaron Paul is amazing too, but I'd love to see Norris get a nod as well.

Bill Belichick wears one all the time.

Honestly, if they had kept at it, I bet she could've talked him out of using a condom since he was so "in love" with her and all

I'm a bit late to the game but I had to pause at the not being able to enjoy the documentary about sushi as much because she just turned vegan bit because I was laughing so hard.

Dr. Rosen was going to speak at some sort of heart surgery convention down there

I experienced something like this during the Boston coverage when I was watching the news on TV. They repeatedly showed the bombs going off, then at one point cut into their local station which apparently didn't know they were on, because the anchor was speaking informally to someone else and said "We don't know

Even aside from the senator's alimony, I would assume that her accountant salary would be enough to not live paycheck to paycheck. And that she would have at least some form of savings.

I really like the idea of the ads, but that last line of "I'll see you at the studio later" always makes me angry because it is SO smug.

I've worked on a tech brand in the past that was so convinced that their target consumer was a super hip 25 year old. We tried explaining to them over and over that the "Gen X" guys were who they really wanted to go after since they are both in the know about tech and have a lot more discretionary income to spend, but

The guy who wrote this episode is going to be the new showrunner, so hopefully that bodes well for the future of the show!

They film up by Columbia in NYC all the time. Still not as bad as Homeland giving us views of the Charlotte skyline in the middle of DC though.

Goodell says there's "no indication" that Beyonce caused the blackout. That doesn't mean she DIDN'T cause it, just that they haven't determined it yet.…

Is there a White House petition to bring back Gus Johnson? There should be.

Another example: Jeff Zucker ending up at CNN.

I know I'm late to the game here but when I read this I laughed so hard I cried. As in, sobbing.

I know I'm late to the game here but when I read this I laughed so hard I cried. As in, sobbing.

The difference is that no one has ever heard of any of those groups. Wu Tang Clan, Public Enemy, etc. were all pretty mainstream.