Kiki in the afternoon

He had a dong in the nineties...

I bet that asshole, Chris Gaines, will be performing in his place.


I read Dominic's last tweet to quick and thought the last part read #bicurious instead of #becurious. My first thought was "If that's the case then maybe you should check out some of the stories that have been written about your Lord Of The Rings character".

I'll take an alt buffyverse Jonathan as the ultimate badass thanks (Buffy: Superstar.) Leave the other two out.

I want to see this so bad.

dude, it looks like her. Even the expression on her face, pure Portlandia right there.

I'm really glad that I figured out that I'm not ambitious, because that's making my choices feel a whole lot better right now. I feel truly bad for the women who ARE ambitious, because this position between a rock and hard place is not getting better. It also increases exploitation of lower class women as

My boyfriend is a libertarian who thinks Ayn Rand had some nifty ideas. I am a far left progressive liberal who hates Ayn Rand with a deep, deep passion. He likes to send me articles about Rand's outspoken support of abortion rights. I like to apply her philosophies to all areas of his life. For example, he rescued a

This story sums up my OkC experience as well. I actually had so many bad dates with "actors" that I stopped agreeing to dates with actors entirely. I don't know if I only attracted douchebag-y actors or what the deal was, but there are only so many times that I can trek to Wicker Park only to have some dude in

Fact: My current boyfriend, also white, on our first date...I saw a man walk by with dreadlocks and this exchange occurred.

Me: [unable to hide overexaggerated grimace]
Him: What?
Me: Oh, sorry, it's just a white guy with dreadlocks walked by.
Him: What's wrong with that?
Me: Well, besides that hairstyle looking invariably

Any Ayn Rand books on his bookshelf

Ugh, as an actual historian, like, with degrees and all that jazz, armchair historians are the most annoying people on earth. Oh, please tell me more about the names and important dates about dead white dudes. So stimulating.

jackrabbit sex. You know that sex where it's like they're masturbating but with your vagina.

I found out that his mother drove an hour in from the suburbs once a week to clean his bathtub for him.

"Grad school? Why would you ever want to go to grad school. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I don't know why you even want your Bachelor's degree, you'll just stay at home with the kids."

Didn't believe in vaccinations. Ended it right there.

Throwing garbage out of car windows. Not a cigarette. Like oh I'm done with ____ rolls down window and tosses. I dated a girl who did this and was so instantly turned off because I actually didn't know grown up humans did such things.

To be fair, sometimes when ballsmcgee is getting dressed he puts his t-shirt on before anything else and it is fucking horrifying. We call it "Winnie the Poohing." Sometimes he'll Winnie the Pooh around the house for a while just to piss me off.