Kiki in the afternoon

This comes up when you Google "Tom Hiddleston kitten," guys:

I hope this is sufficient animal cuteness

Wendy's chicken strips! They were my favorite circa 2006! And Sonic mac and cheese bites! Holy shit those were good. I ate terribly in college. (I still do, haha.)

Adding to the list, the McDonald's Italian Chicken McGrill. Sold the winter of 2001/02, I'd spend my entire lunch hour of high school driving the 15 minutes to the only McD's in town, eating it quickly (it needed to be warm), and driving back before 4th period. It was grilled chicken, mozza, marinara sauce and a bun.


I hope you know I literally LOL'ed at this.

In that vein, BK's Cheesy Tots.

Salad Fingers scared the shit out of me.

My dachshund is exhausted from terrorizing cats.

I have a 16 year old daughter. I watch men regularly turn around to look at her backside. Fully grown men. I've gotten so fucking sick of it that I've taken to shouting, "She's 16, you fucking pervert!" These particular men don't like it but I'm trying to teach her that it's her body and they're sickos. She is

Isha, while I appreciate the focus brought on this hashtag, I think you're extremely wrong to characterize "everyday misogyny" as somehow distinct from the misogyny which fueled Rodger's machinations and eventually his killing spree.

Imagine a campaign to get cars to look twice for motorcycles before changing lanes. What if a car driver got upset by that and said "NOT ALL CARS HIT MOTORCYCLES!!!1!" Like, duh, but it's still an important message, and your reaction makes absolutely no sense.

I gained 35 pounds my first year of teaching, and d was a miserable wreck by the end of the year. Get thee to the gym, not to lose weight, but because you will feel so much better and have so much more energy if you invest some time in yourself and your well being. Get some sleep, eat some healthy food and put

I think sex addiction is a real thing, but you have to gauge his commitment to getting well. I am not a sex addict, but I had a friend who was and she was always going to 12-step meetings and reading books to try and get better. If I were in your shoes, I don't know what I'd do, for me it would boil down to how

Fuck it. I'm happy for them. It still kinda shocks me how in love Kanye is with her. Like....he legit seems to have it bad for her. It's nice.

SLEEVES! I love it just for this. I fully support the overthrow of the tyranny of the strapless wedding gown!

Amanda Seyfried's dog is crazy photogenic.

Now playing

I wonder if Ron Livingston will reprise his role...

Now playing

That reminds me of the Kevin Spacey parody of the original Keyboard Cat. It really shouldn't amuse me as much as it does: