Meh, unimpressed. I thought his Bane was hilarious though.
Meh, unimpressed. I thought his Bane was hilarious though.
Martha is one bad mother.... shut your mouth!
Actually, Oakland is the best place in the U.S. It's just as progressive but it's also had the second most moderate temperature in California (San Diego is number 1), had more green spaces, and is filled with cool people.
I remember a time when Ranch dressing was only available on the West Coast. In some Mexican restaurants and pizza places they serve it with the food, ice cold. Man oh man! But it has to be homemade
Might as well. They should be able to use that money for charity rather than some 'friend' selling pictures.
Jahovah Witnesses don't do blood transfusions. Christian Scientists don't go to the md.
I think everything that needs to be said about this show was on Law and Order SVU.
The paper may or may not be fake. I don't know for sure. But what I do know is that I have practical knowledge of how children learn to read and write as I've been on the front lines of early literacy for 15 years. I have given the Basic Inventory of Basic Early Literacy Skills test or DIBELS literally hundreds of…
Whatever. I just do this for a living with actual children. You're obviously the expert with all your book learning and such.
The student doesn't hear the /n/ sound. There could be a substitution of the /m/ for the /n/. Like cim instead of cin.
I think I'm in love.
Bwahahahaha! Bees!
I'm a kindergarten teacher and I have seen mistakes like this. I'm thinking this kid is probably a 1st grader and has some speech issues.
Maybe midlands but i don't think she's a Brummy (Brummie?). She's definitely not from London though. I'm not English but I lived there for awhile. I love the Lancashire accent. I think it's luvlay. I was in love with a boy from Burnely.
I'm tall and people who recline hard into my knees gets a knee to the back, but I wouldn't use that device. They both sound like jerks.
Yeah, she's English but I'm thinking it she might be Northern.
Caloric Cormoran Strike
I liked Levi too until I found out he was a major jesus freak. Kinda wore the shine off that penny.
Oh my glob! My lumps just exploded!
I'm part of a teacher group and this mother who is white, had to tell her biracial, autistic son that he will be treated differently in public when he is with her than when he is with his father. It makes me so sad. How can we change this culture of mistrust? I have no answers.