Aimee G.

I think they found out it wasn't autism but some other mental delay.


I can't imagine hating anyone so much that I took time out of my busy schedule to hassle them unnecessarily.

I liked Midnight in Paris and I hate Woody Allen movies

It turns out that it's some woman who goes to the girls' church. She meant it as a gift and friendship.

The San Francisco Giants banned headdresses last month. There was a brouhaha at Native American Culture Night. Some non first nation people wore one and were passing it around. Some local tribe members asked them to stop and tried to take it away from them. Go A's!

I think I'd rather admit to liking Backstreet Boys than 50 Shades of Grey.

That's on the real.

Looks like Jesus had a lazy eye

Again, if you use your personal account using the district server, the district has access to your account.

I'm a teacher and sometimes if you check your personal using the district wifi, the district has access to your personal account. In my sister's district (yes, it's a family curse), two female teachers were emailing each other back and forth on their personal accounts using the district server. The district flagged

Much better song!

As a teacher, this really resonates with me. It's exactly how I feel about my kids. They are more than a score, they are all special in their own way.

"Asking for a friend". Sure, sure.

I will f up a bag of Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos. They are the dog's bullocks!

Well that's f'ed up. This is why we need unions. To protect our rights. You have no recourse without fear of reprisal. Ugh

As someone who has never had trouble tolerating milk, I've never seen the appeal of milk alternatives unless you had to have them. I'm also lucky in that I live in the Bay Area and have access to fresh, organic, local milk and milk products. I also try to avoid non fat variety because of the added sugar.

Thanks for clarifying. I live in Oakland and tend to stay on the sunny side of the bay. But there is sick leave.

Agree to disagree. Although What's Going On is just about the worst.

In San Francisco and San Jose they have paid sick leave at all restaurants (not sure of fast food). There's an extra charge on the bill to cover it. Resturanteurs thought that the tax and the leave would hurt the bottom line, but it hasn't. Food sales are actually up. Goes to show that people want healthy servers and