
I don't believe in God or ghosts or anything of the like, and I'm sitting in the middle of a crowded airport and I'm still creeped the fuck out.

Nope. You can show a birth certificate.

Requirements for voting in the US: citizenship. Requirements for citizenship: being an American citizen. No ID necessary for that. Ergo it's unconstitutional to force voters to have ID. Unless we go back and change the constitution to say "peeps need a license and a Facebook to be considered real citizens" voter ID

FYI- it takes approx ten minutes for them to identify you. So if they actually tried to "take you down to the station" they'd be full of shit and you've got a lawsuit on your hands. Trust me, I don't carry an ID and sadly, have had more than my share of run ins.

Omg bar codes oh noesssss satan is here! Perhaps they should try voting him away.

So hey. I'm a college educated, employed, pasty white, blonde, MERICAN as fuck, voter and I don't have a state ID. Why? Do you ask. Because I've spent the past 7+years living in a city where I don't have to deal with a car. When it came time for me to renew my drivers license, I was informed that is have to go to the

I was reading Cosmo on a plane a few months back (judge away, I have guilty pleasures) and there was a section about stupid shit boyfriends do. One of the comments was that some guy checked into his girlfriend on four square. Naturally the feminists at Cosmo found this offensive, but I found it hilarious.

The most offensive thing about the Kate hate is that she is nowhere near average. She's like six feet tall and super thin. Sure, she's different than Kate Moss. But let's just call a spade a spade. She still has the kind of unattainable physique that is par for the course with models.

Omg Danny devito I love your work!

This is what I've been saying since the Kate Middleton scandal happened. Does Ayone think she actually gives a shit? Aside from the total invasion of privacy issue that is. Brits are generally less prude than us puritans over here in Mercuh.

Maine coons are the greatest cats of all time.

Sad panda is sad.

"We heard statistics that would blow your mind," Liddell said. "There are a lot of children involved in sexual relationships."

I wish I didn't.

Are you serious? Miami is underprivileged white kid central.

It's good to know it doesn't take any knowledge of grammar to run for public office.

These women with non wrinkled clothes baffle me to no end. I ironed the shirt I'm wearing right now last night. It is now wrinkled from the bus/sitting at my desk. My hair, which was straight and smooth this am, is now slightly knotted. I spend way too much time and money on looking good, yet I can never just be

Are you for real? I grew up in a comically happy, middle class family with amazing parents who have been obsessed with each other for 30+ years. I did stupid shit on the internet all the time.

The card that said "I need somebody" was absolutely devastating.

Too bad it wasn't some kind of sexual abuse. Then she would have gotten it down to 30 years.