
I saw the news coverage of this, creepy video of the demonstration included this weekend and wanted to vomit. I mean seriously? This is more ridiculous than OJ. And I'm not talking about the juice.

Wouldn't it be nice if Yale would be like, "hey family. We're really sorry that your daughter died such a terrible death, and we should have worked harder to protect her. Here's a bunch of money, because God knows we have it, which won't bring your daughter back, but will show the world we are truly sorry. " But no,

Just saying, I would SO much rather deal with fire ants than house centipedes. Really, I'd rather deal with ANYTHING than a house centipede. I hate those fuckers.


I hate babies. I talk to fat rats on the subway. I think I am the normal one.

I am petrified of being cheated on. I'm not sure why because (to my knowledge) I have never been cheated on, nor would I ever cheat on anyone. It just seems so rampant and almost everyone I know has cheated/been cheated on that I feel like I'm the only person who hasn't. It drives me batshit sometime because

Kevin is going to be the name of the golden retriever they guy little Eric when he turns five.

I'm hoping for Eric. Beyonce, Jay-Z, Eric. What a great family.

I think you mean white, collarless shirt.

I would love to see a photoshopped version of myself on the cover of Cosmo, just so I'd know what's wrong with my body. And face. And hands.

Now that they've been successful in her literal rape, it's time for the emotional rape. Woooo.

Underpants gnomes FTW

I just had a rage blackout.

I am kind of torn between either not wanting an engagement ring at all, or wanting a pretty nice vintage style one. I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be excited by a big, sparkly, rock. Sometimes I'm shallow, I can freely admit this. HOWEVER. Three months salary? That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard.

I am very pale and I use Bella Bamba. Dandelion is just a smidge too light.

I've never really been a dating kind of girl. More like, hanging out with dudes until we get drunk and make out and then after awhile we're in a relationship kind of girl.

True (gross) story. I have some Tarte cheek stain in some Valentine's Day themed special color that I bought in 2007. I still use it almost daily. Yes I realize this is probably not safe, but they don't make the color anymore.

Oh man he is so anti-Deschutes. It's basically the only other brewery I know out there and it's because he hates it haha. I guess his has made them locally before, but they don't have any currently. Hopefully soon. I always feel a little bummed when I'm at bars and I can't support him by getting his beers.

Seriously, which brewery? My boyfriend lives in Portland and I visit often. Though he works for one of the breweries so he'd probably not be pleased to go to another one...

I was diagnosed at 21 after being sick for about two years. Before that I always had a sensitive stomach and skin issues, but ate tons of bread and pasta and was basically fine. Also, I had a roommate who didn't believe me and thought I was just being a brat about telling her to not use my toaster and keep her bread