This is so true! I don't volunteer out of some need to better the world (maybe a little), I do it to ensure I always have something to do on Wednesday nights!
This is so true! I don't volunteer out of some need to better the world (maybe a little), I do it to ensure I always have something to do on Wednesday nights!
Honestly, she sounds exactly like Caroline from RHONJ to me, so apparently I can't tell the difference either.
Kittehs dont like that. Plz stop.
After not sqee-ing over so many Jez postings that I felt I should have, I have finally discovered something that prickles the tear ducts. My mom is the shit.
My brother sucks the marrow out of bones. I'm going to go vomit now.
This comment made me LOLZ more than any other comment today.
Maybe she's a chinese gymnast!
What! Gin and tonics are like nature's lemonade! Or something.
The shittiest day in the world could happen and I'd still be smiling if it were 75 degrees and sunny outside. Conversely, I could find out some relative I'd never heard of was leaving me millions on a slushy, stupid ass Chicago winter day and I'd be lukewarm. Ok that's not true, because I'd get the fuck out of…
I will help you.
Oh my, a celeb claiming they don't diet or care about their body? THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. Someone give this chick and award for originality. I'm glad I never got into the Hunger Games because I think I'd be pissed she's ruining that shit.
My boyfriend owns way more shoes than I do. Given I own less shoes than a lot of girls, but I'm fairly certain he owns more Nikes than Snoop.
Same. I giggled.
Yessh. Sorry doesn't even cover it. I hope it works out however you want it to. And that if it's what you want, you live nowhere near North Dakota.
Do these parents realize that much of the classic literature required readings in high school contain sex? Oh and also people under the age of 18 have sex? Let's just call a spade a spade and admit that teenagers are old enough to know about sexytime.
That's exactly how I view it as well. I think that's why this whole scenario bothered me. That and emo pony doesn't like public proposals.
Perhaps you don't use twitter. If so, I apologize for that comment coming off offensively. #whitegirlproblems= privilege. It doesn't mean white. I'm not white and use it all the time. It doesn't mean non-caucasians don't have nannies.
EXACTLY. To me that would say, "because you're sensitive about it, I will ask, but otherwise would not". I don't want to marry that.
No, I actually am usually the eternal optimist. I think just the way it was ended kind of ruined it for me.
I get that. It was just posed as if she believes that nannies come as an accessory with children. Oh you had a kid? What kind of nanny was birthed with it?