
@heatherdazy: This was my thought. Same education in 1949 doesn't mean everyone had several masters degrees under their belts...wouldn't it more likely mean everyone graduated from high school?

@MsKatherineSpeaks: I work in an office that is very heavily female, including management, and the few men who work here still find ways to be huge dirtbags. You know, like making top 10 lists.

@BeetsGoOn: Right? I peed twice on the four hour flight home at christmas and was so worried the flight attendants were judging me. I drink a lot of water, OK?!

My resolution is to sleep more during the week, less on weekends.

Aaaaaand I just became celibate.

@tse-tse-fly: I can't stop watching Bridalplasty. I keep waiting for someone to step out of the wings and go, "this has all been a joke, nobody really cries about deserving a nose job in order to be happily married!" But then I realized it is real, and people do cry over this shit, and these are also people who have

@bookwench: As someone currently going through a man hating give me hope. Thank you!!

Mmmm Cheetah Gym!

@MadelBlue: This made me cry. May you get the equality that you deserve in 2011.

Fuck three genetic autoimmune diseases and being forced to vomit in my trashcan at my desk more times than necessary, for fear of calling in sick and losing my job that I fucking hate.

@QueneofTpyos: You realized that you were totally, butt crazy, in love with Josh! Love this story. You win.

Hey girl, sometimes I say awkward things about suicide. But look into these eyes and tell me you're mad about it.

@ReggieDunlop: It's not the actions of one individual. Look at the "good ol' boys" reference. Football is always held above everything else, especially the rights of women. And as a woman, I can wish that a sport that perpetuates this be banned. It's a wish. That doesn't mean it's going to happen.

This is the second football story this year that makes me wish this sport was banned. I'm looking at you, Notre Dame.

@Betty Fokker: I'm pretty sure I can keep my legs CROSSED and do the dirty, so suck on that, haters.

Not going to lie, I've been side eyeing my humidifier for a few minutes now.

@KatyLou: Not arguing there. Just disgusted that it's so much easier for people to pay attention to rape when it's happening to a dude.

Love this. Rape a girl until she's bloody and bruised, but don't charge anyone because it was probably her fault. Touch a white guy's ass in a grossly touchy sport and we're charging 17 year olds. America. Fuck yeah.