My thoughts with toddlers in the bed always comes back to “do you get kicked in the face often?”
My thoughts with toddlers in the bed always comes back to “do you get kicked in the face often?”
My four year old still sleeps with me. I hear about it constantly from my MIL. It’s as if she is somehow burdened by this.
I co-slept with my eldest until he was three and now co-sleep with my two year old (big brother sometimes joins us in the middle of the night). My husband sleeps in the guest room. I have received endless flak from family and friends about this, but guess what? I get to sleep through the night, every night. My kids…
It was more than twenty years ago, so I’m not surprised. They trashed a hotel room and there were rumors of DV that have disappeared, but I distinctly remember. However, that isn’t solid evidence. I’ve disliked him since though.
Um, no. Kate Moss? Also public relations crafted personas and actual people are very different things. He’s just a man, after all.
Dude (or lady) she’s been lasting 15 *years*! lmao
Oh there was plenty of evidence. Just a pretty stupid jury.
Hell I watched the trial everyday and assumed they were.
I have it on good authority from multiple male friends of mine that some frat guys are very happy to “camp” with them when there are no girls around. Sometimes they go “camping” with their special guy friends every single day.
If northern Californians think this tale of someone coming from the University of Oregon only to leave trash and devastation in his wake is bad, well they ain’t seen nothing yet...
Oh, I didn’t catch that — thanks for clarifying! 💥
Way Bandy + Scavulo = 70's contouring to me.
There’s something interesting —and interesting, in a morbid way— about reading these statements. Because beyond the wretchedness of victim-blaming, notice how Holtzclaw can’t stick to a narrative about his own actions? He can’t seem to say something as simple as “I was on the other side of town,” or “I did a search,…
I truly don’t know whether or not most people notice, but because my skin was so bad for so long, I’m hyper aware of other people’s skin. I won’t say anything, and I’ll try not to be obvious about looking, but I will notice. (This goes for good skin and bad skin)
and it wasn’t just him, his girlfriend said something to the effect of “why wouldn’t he sleep with someone on the north end” as in the black women he actually raped were beneath him. he and his whole family can rot actually.
“...Hotlzclaw wouldn’t rape *those* women when there were plenty of respectable white women to sleep with...”
He is pretty much like ‘I couldn’t have raped these women, they are not even really human!’ Yes...THAT IS what a rapist would say.
Always useful when a predator reveals his criteria for potential victims (women with “lifestyles,” meaning they’re black or poor). He’s too much of an ignorant, spoiled little shit to see how obvious his guilt is to everyone else.