Absolutely, positively, 100% on all counts. Stating a fact is tantamount to a hate crime if the person’s “belief” doesn’t match the, uh, FACTS.
Absolutely, positively, 100% on all counts. Stating a fact is tantamount to a hate crime if the person’s “belief” doesn’t match the, uh, FACTS.
My son said to me the other day, after I corrected him for being factually wrong, “I can believe whatever I want to believe,” in the same tone we try to impart individual uniqueness to our children (read: he heard this bullshit at school). OH HELL NO SHORT MAN, MAMA HAS SOME TROOF TO LAY DOWN ON YOUR MINI BEHIND,…
Information illiteracy is, without a doubt, a contributing factor.
Things are getting worse. It started with Reagan. Prior to that, being reasoned, informed, and educated was a good thing. Now its akin to sacrificing infants to Satan during an extended family Thanksgiving celebration.
46 and scared
Has anyone done an analysis of his ridiculous speech patterns that say nothing and make no sense? “Great,” “Terrific,” “Sad,” what the fuck The Donald? I suppose his limited vocab could be an argument for authenticity, but please for the love of god come up with some different adjectives to describe your narrow world…
Right?! When children are an ideological platform, instead of human beings, it’s amazing how much we care about them and their selfish mothers!
Interestingly, the US has an infant mortality rate that is just below that of Serbia.
I know it is an issue all around in America right now. But, for me, all things being equal, factoring in my past history with obtaining employ and my credentials, it is crystal clear to me that if you have a child and you have the audacity to raise that person full time and not work outside the home (instead of…
I love my kid, and I am so glad I am a mom, but having a kid can re-set your identity in ways that is really never discussed. Everything I accomplished before and after I had a kid seems not to matter. Despite my ambition, drive, talent, and determination, choosing to raise my kid hurt me in ways from which I’m not…
Try explaining an 8 year gap on your resume caused by raising the child you birthed out the vagine. I’m convinced that I’d have an easier time finding work as a paroled felon. Advanced degrees and an awesome resume? Too bad you shat out a bebe, honey. You’ll never work in this town again!
A tasteful sunbrella, even. Her doing the sidestep is Christopher Guest level redonk.
yes. many people who credit a strong work ethic and determination as the foundation of their success often forget how neither of those qualities help you if you are unable to get multiple credit lines to run your business, or loans to fund your education, or (insert real life circumstance here). on third and hit a…
it’s from quite a while ago. she fully admitted to pissing herself.
that iris looks like a really scary butthole.
My kid is 8 and still sleeps with us sometimes. What has it done to my marriage? Made us a super tight family, I guess. I see no negatives, except my kid’s foot in my face. He’ll grow out of it eventually (wanting to sleep with us) and it doesn’t negatively impact my relationship with my husband at all. We have one…
I was going to mention Kate. That incident was kind of swept under the rug, but it was the understanding at the time that he beat her.
There is literally no plausible scenario where she didn’t kill this kid. I watched the entire trial and did a shit ton of research and laid it out like a damn logic puzzle, then considered every scenario possible. she killed her kid to spite her harpie mother in a fit of rage, though it did meet the criteria for M1.
i adore kathleen for a million reasons, two of which are not these songs :(