
oh i know. i was responding to some other anti-makeup posts/general judge-y tones i’d seen elsewhere in the thread. i was in full agreement with what you said and how you said it.

cut down??? fuck that. makeup rules. i don’t care if it’s not cool to like make up because it’s perceived as anti-feminist to revel in being girly. i’m 46 and i will NEVER stop trying new products and trends. and to the haters, i rock any lipcolor i want. and i’m a dang librarian. so, whatevs.

yes it does. yes it does.

yeah, you gotta “set it and forget it.’ once i put that stuff on my face is a no fly zone.

nyx suede is pretty meh. i would try stila lip paint which is dope.

i gotta say that stila’s lip paint is pretty much gods gift.

This video had me absolutely in tears the first time i saw it. a classic.


i wish these folks would see the argument not as “baby killing” but as “agency over one’s own body, which is able to be legislated.”

I had to shut that shit down. Two years FB free and I like life a lot better. Also, you should have to take mandatory information literacy instruction before being granted an FB account.

Melvil Dewey — the accidental feminist. I always felt really proud about this until a colleague (rightly) pointed out “Yeah, women are cheap labor.” D’oh.

The county system recently hired a MAN with ZERO library experience/education to be the Director — he was a multiple-time failed top level school administrator. Try to piece together the message that mess sends.

I co-sign on this. Really, this appointment is kind of a back door fuck you about SCOTUS. I mean, I’m not intimating for a second that the LOC has the clout that SCOTUS does, but the appointment of a black woman librarian is a big fucking deal; especially since librarianship has such a diversity problem. HUZZAH

Fuck these fucking fucksticks in the fuckhole. They deserve any and all derision they receive, in any way anyone chooses to deride them. Enjoy your dildos, dillweeds!

So, there are no blacks nominated for Oscars, but there is a black hosting it, effectively turning it into a minstrel? Keeping it kkklassy, Academy

this brings my atheism into serious question.

I’ve known courtney for a long time. she will fuck over the girl who runs nasty gal and run it into the ground. trust. it has happened one million times.

To the surprise of absolutely no one, white dreaded Deadheads turn into Wall Street Fat Cats. This is not a surprise, these yobs were always destined to be those they ostensibly rallied against. Fakest shitty subculture ever.

premeditation has degrees. for instance, if sometime during the 16 shots fired he realized what he was doing and kept going, that can be considered premediation.