
p. sure this “very shy” girl flashed her pussy to millions?

Nate Silver was the only thing that got me through 2012 without going insane.

this is the sanest thing to come out of florida in a long time. kudos.

fuck off.

i went back to work, then quit because i could not stomach the fact that more consideration is given to the age of a puppy’s adoptability than a human being’s welfare. i’ve been destitute ever since.

i was riding a diverted D train and suddenly i felt the craving for quesadillas. i made a mental note to tell my boyfriend, who i was on my way to meet. i then looked to might right and saw a huge pile of barf, realizing that was the genesis of my “craving.”

Me too. I was like “damn that was harsh.”

newsflash: the motive was poverty

there is something wrong with the profile of our police officers in this country. there are no shades of gray with these psychopaths. i had a cop — the 21st century approximation of barney fife — do straight tactical maneuvers on me in a school parking lot where i was getting my son from school. broad daylight. town


i hate this motherfucker.

Truly repugnant.

“I love whoever made this” -my 7 year old son

additionally, taylor’s teeth? when did she get a set from the costume department of The Mask?

i just came here to comment on the quality of the handiwork. thank you for this. that neckline is a shame and I don’t understand the random threads that weren’t woven in. as a curio, this sweater is hilarious. as a piece of knitting, it is pretty bad.

McCoy can be found in Frankie and Grace, the Netflix original series.

my male son is a sailor. it is a great name. it seems to be increasing in popularity somewhat. people always remark that they like it, tho the hillbillies around here often think it is “taylor.”

liv stole my son’s name! argh

pretty sure that’s not where you get botox?

can we expect more of this batshittery with trump spewing his racist horseshit?