Rontanamo Bay

It’s close enough. I mean, if you factor in different art styles, different parts of the timeline, and different proportioned versions of Link, it’s hard to expect everything to be 1:1. Plus, it’s not like everything such as village locations, different races, etc. stay consistent from game to game.

Just popping in to say I absolutely love him. He didn’t invent the “straight man and funny man” at the same time, but he perfected it.

It definitely seems like Valve, by way of Steam, is faced with a choice: change their cut, or find their business slowly eroded by a competitor that’s willing to take a smaller percentage of the profits in exchange for a larger chunk of exclusivity.

I’m not a big fan of the Epic Store—I’ve only ever purchased Metro

I get being upset at being inconvenienced. But in the grand scheme of things, having to download another launcher isn't a big deal unless said launcher doesn't work with your computer somehow. It's not like you have to actually buy something like a new console or something to play it.

I seriously believe that the people who are angry represent but a small portion of the backers.

Thanks for writing this. Looking back on it, seeing Pedro on the show was the real lynchpin that started my climb from dyed in the wool conservative Republican (grew up with it, Catholic school indoctrination) to the extremely, um, passionate Progressive I am today. Prior to seeing Pedro, all I knew of homosexuals

It’s been a while since I’ve played this game, but IIRC, Intelligence increases both damage and defense against elemental and dark magic, while Spirit does the same for light magic and summons. Spirit also boosts heals.

Disclaimer, I never played any game on the Mana series.

They do help with your magic defense, but I very rarely put points into them for my physical fighters; I’d rather boost their HP and attack power.

The kids these days call it “texting”. I don’t think it sends emails.

The “political divide” is manufactured bullshit. There is only one echo chamber and it’s on the right. Are there non-conservatives who are jerks, or repost shit without researching it? yeah, of course. But there simply is not anywhere near the level of lies, dogma, and ignorance as there is on the right.

That is awesome. 

I was going to google Ouya to make some jokes about that but then this happened and that’s good enough for me

Can’t wait for Trump and his supporters to respond that they should make the consoles in America if they don’t like the tariffs. 🙄

First they came for a bunch of innocent groups of people, and I was like “whatever.” Then they came for my videogames, and I was like

Imagined sample from memo draft: “In this tariff war current business climate, we may take a hit from larger tariffs new resource allocations may result in a higher cost for customers. Don’t leave us even though we voted for Trump and therefore this trade war We appreciate your loyalty to Trump and us confidence in

Trump neither knows nor cares whom gets affected.

They can write to Trump all they want, he still won’t understand how tariffs work. He’ll still go on thinking that they’re a fee that the exporting country has to pay. No one will ever get it through his skull that he’s imposing taxes on imports, which are passed along to American consumers.

If people don’t want to pay the tariff, they can buy one of the game consoles made right here in America, dammit!

I keep this for just such occasions.