Rontanamo Bay

As we start to transition to the next generation of consoles, I’m wondering about the future of my digital library on my Switch. The Switch is the first home console for which I own the large majority of my games digitally, but AFAIK Nintendo has never referred to a persistent digital library across console

Don’t forget, Joshua, the most exciting forthcoming new release on Switch is an old game!  Link’s Awakening Remake is coming next month!!!

Yessss I’m so excited you’re enjoying this game! It sounded fascinating when you first wrote about it.

I guess? I would still think it was just as silly, if less petty.  Frustration is appropriate. I’m not sure outrage would be under any circumstances. It’s just a storefront.

Oh look, another wedge issue for gamers.  The number of commenters accusing Kotaku of bias on this issue is astonishing.

What, exactly, is “gross” in your opinion? Because it sounds like all you are complaining about is Epic offering a bare-bones platform. Which of course they are doing in order to return more money to developers. If that’s all it is, that is some of the most petty shit that I’ve come across in my life. If not, what

Jeez you’re still on this? Fine.

Wow who knew that Track and Field II for the NES left such a strong impression on all of us? I have received said vibes as well.

I agree on all counts. A Crack in Time is undoubtedly my favorite in the series, and I’d love them to build on that design.  But I would take any new game, and even that looks increasingly unlikely.

I don’t know, it totally tracks that Epic would basically pay developers not to release on Steam, right? The singular goal being to dispel the notion of Steam as the default digital marketplace for games.  Isn’t it just that?

Well I welcome this news, personally. As a huge R&C fan, I was seriously bugged by the fact that Sunset Overdrive was a MS exclusive. I probably would have actually played it had I not gotten an Xbone four years after it came out. As it is, though, I’m fine with having paid $8 for the game but not really playing it

I was in love with a girl named Lauren from Texas in 1995 who was born on August 20th. Nice girl.  Also my brother’s birthday is the day before.

Haven’t played online cause that’s not my thing, but I did just want to mention that I wholeheartedly agree on two points. One, that RDR2 might be the most immersive game I’ve ever played, and the best to get lost in and ignore the narrative. And two, that Rockstar was very brave to keep Arthur as slow as he is, but

Yeah I played V for the first time last year (IV was a favorite growing up, and still is), and I was seriously bothered by how carelessly they were handling their crystals, especially after the whole Zemus/Golbez episode.

Hence why I said “the director was heavily involved with NieR: Automata”. I know who Yoko Taro is.  Try harder at reading comprehension.

Happy 500th episode, Chris!

Sounds excellent, not that I have the money or time for it. But it was not on my radar at all before, and now it super is, especially given it’s directed by one of the lead designers of NieR: Automata, which is in my top five games for the current generation.

That was my same reaction, until the very end, when I realized the director was heavily involved in NieR: Automata. At that point I upgraded from interested to excited.

This guy seems sincere but incredibly naive. Video games are going to be a better source of political information and perspective than education and family? Really? And no wonder he didn’t get along with the liberal protesters at Trump’s inauguration as much as with the angry racists attending the event. The angry

And I would argue that what other outlets are doing has nothing to do with what Kotaku does.  Also it very clearly says “Impressions” at the top of this piece, which in Kotaku parlance is not equivalent to “Review”.