I’m pretty sure this is not meant as a full review, since the thing doesn’t come out for five weeks. Probably just a preview, which is not usually where the editors offer all of their issues with the product.
I’m pretty sure this is not meant as a full review, since the thing doesn’t come out for five weeks. Probably just a preview, which is not usually where the editors offer all of their issues with the product.
Totally agree on all accounts. The first time I heard the new Sgt. Pepper, I was blown away by how modern and fresh the whole thing sounded. I would LOVE Revolver and Magical Mystery Tour. Hopefully Giles is more interested in those than Let It Be.
Hold up hold up, is this another Giles Martin remix?? Does that mean the whole album is coming? *quick google search confirms it* That’s the most exciting news I will have heard by the end of today, I’m sure!
Right. Several commenters are talking about how they hated the rain, but I thought it was a great obstacle to exploration in the first half of the game, and the game does a good job of building Link up gradually so it becomes less and less of an issue. And yeah, timing it to minimize sliding was also a lot of fun.
You’ve probably made your decision by now, given this comment is two weeks old. But if not, and since no one else replied, I thought I’d offer something.
Also the whole Ogre Battle series that was in its prime in the mid 90s on the SNES and PC. All of those titles, including the name of the franchise itself, are Queen references. I’m just glad to see their popularity has proved so enduring. Although of course you’re correct to partially credit other properties for…
Oh I was. I loved the Ezio trilogy, but I got tired of the awful combat after that. The next game in the franchise I played was Origins, which I beat, and was very grateful for the improved combat. But I think Sekiro broke me a little bit. I played that game so much and got so good at it (as one must if one…
I’ve been really trying to get hooked into AC Odyssey. The story is good, and Kassandra and her voice actor are great, but the actual combat gameplay just feels so squishy and boring compared to the other action games I’ve played this year (Dark Souls, Sekiro, Nioh), and the assassination and exploration gameplay…
Wow, the Freddy Mercury cosplay was unexpected. Very cool.
Great reporting, then and now, Cecilia. You’re doing noble work.
I still want to write a musical about the toxicity of the gamer fan community in relation to developers. My mother thinks its my best original idea. But I lack drive :/
Fascinating list! My favorite part is the double-punch of Chasing Amy and Face/Off, both of which I saw when they were new, and hated. Particularly the former. That movie has one of the worst endings in a movie I’ve ever seen. Bram Stoker’s Dracula was a movie I was incredibly excited to see even years after its…
Gotta say, ending the first section of a long-form piece like this by essentially asking, “does what I’m writing about matter at all?” does not make me want to continue reading.
Stay safe, Kotaku editors
Maybe Assassin’s Creed Odyssey? Or Bloodstained? I don’t know, nothing’s moving me very much right now. I was enjoying the latter in the last couple days, but it crashed on me out of nowhere, which puts me off. I should play Wargroove, which I bought on sale last month, to see if it can satisfy me until Fire…
Interesting! I like these self-reflection pieces you do, occasionally, Heather. Also this makes me feel better about the fact that I’ve already decided to choose the Black Eagles when I pick the game up.
Trash talk always puts me off in every context, which is why I don’t enjoy competitive gaming in most contexts (local multiplayer Smash and Kart are basically as far as I ever go, and even those sessions are rare). I just don’t understand that instinct at all. But that’s probably because I have too much empathy. I…
Stunkydunk said:
This is exactly why they put this in the game. To get you two exact people to have this exact conversation, and then write about it.
No, it’s not. Mixer is an individual platform with its own hardware and its own brand. Microsoft is an enormous corporation with many, many products, of which Mixer is one. To say the Mixer brand is synonymous with, and of equivalent value as, Microsoft is an absurd statement.