This is one of the first stories about him I’ve found interesting. Is the first AAA Twitch defection? It would be nice if Amazon was challenged on more fronts, even if it’s Microsoft doing it.
This is one of the first stories about him I’ve found interesting. Is the first AAA Twitch defection? It would be nice if Amazon was challenged on more fronts, even if it’s Microsoft doing it.
Ok quick question: I was maybe five hours into my first playthrough of Suikoden II on Vita when I had to reformat the system memory due to jailbreaking-related mishaps. Thing is, I had gotten all 108 stars in Suikoden, so my question is, what am I missing out on if I start another playthrough of II from scratch…
I understand, and no worries. It’s very easy to misread tone on the internet. I did so two or three times on this website last week.
Please don’t tell me to chill, gokart. I am in no way hyped up, and I was completely congenial in my response. However, Acolyte said specifically that no one should “pretend” that dressing that way is “anything other than a conscious decision intended to either draw in viewers or have people see your boobs”,…
I agree with others that you are being sexist (though not necessarily that you are sexist). Some of these women do this to attract male viewers, sure, but as Kaceytron and others have said, some do it merely because it’s comfortable to dress that way, and as a man, I have no reason to doubt them. IMO it is sexist to…
Good for them!
Sorry, but you’re wrong, and to say no one is “pretending” otherwise is to trivialize an argument that many of these women are making. That argument, of course, is that, often, women dress in clothing men might consider titillating for the sole reason that it is comfortable. The women who stream in that sort of…
This description of Johnson reminds me a whole lot of Mark Rylance’s performance as Richard in Richard III on Broadway recently. It was absolutely chilling.
Miss this game so much
Oh shit really? That makes sense. Damn I definitely didn’t get the joke then. Sorry, I guess that is kinda funny. Thanks for correcting me sans snark!
It’s been a while since I read these, and I remember why (though I never really forgot). But I do want to specifically call out Awkward Zombie for being terrible this week. Weak, completely predictable joke about one of the greatest games of the generation. What was the point of that? Just makes you look…
First off, I purposely managed to avoid learning anything about the story, including that the three house eventually became enemies, so I had no reason to believe two of the factions would need to lose for one to win. Secondly, there are any number of narrative reasons writers could create for the factions to come…
Not the ones I’ve seen, no. And I was in no way condescending, I merely stated my intent to boycott future reviews by the author. I took pains to not say anything rude or condescending.
It was not blindingly obvious in any way based on what I’ve read about the game. Plus, they changed the text of the review, so obviously they agree with me. Anyway, there’s no need to be condescending, especially when you’re wrong
No worries! Appreciate the apology. Don’t bother with the foot, that taste really lingers :(
There was absolutely no way to know (and no reason to believe) she would end that sentence with story spoilers.
Posted the same thing.
Wow, I’d definitely describe the inevitable death of two main characters in this game as a large and totally unnecessary SPOILER. Is there any way Kotaku can print the bylines of these articles on the homepage under the headlines, so I can never click on a Gita Jackson review again?
Well, I would argue that given you know you’re going to buy a Switch, it would be worth it to do so sooner rather than later, because all those 2D indie games are better experiences on the Switch, and you might as well play any forthcoming indie games on it. Perhaps Slay the Spire, for instance. Unless of course you…
If you haven’t played it, Hollow Knight on the Switch is one of my favorite gaming experiences ever. Perfect console fo close to a perfect game.