Rontanamo Bay

Well I was definitely wrong to mock the idea that this would happen in my comments on Kotaku’s original article on this subject. Sorry, Nintendo!

I agree, but also without that game, we would not have the 2014 NBA Finals.  They never won it twice in a row, as I’m sure you know.

Well said.  I don’t begrudge Toronto or the Raptors; they seem like a nice place and a nice group of folks, respectively.  But I’m only now getting excited to watch the Spurs again, in part because Leonard ghosted his new team after one year to go to one of the sadder-sack organizations in all of sports.  But Tim

What about all the responses contradicting your condescending and incorrect comment that lack snark?  When are you going to respond to those?

definitely blame everything on the internet.

Hard LOL @ “Cats are immune to fall damage, which is a pretty OP passive”.

Strange world we live in

I always wonder if people are playing this game every time I pass that big ad for it in the Rockefeller Center subway station. But that’s the only time I ever think about it, cause no one talks about it.


I approve of your choice of hill, Ethan.  This is some bullshit.

You’re part of the problem.  Did you happen to see the interview that all four Congresswomen of the squad gave to CBS where they praised Pelosi’s leadership?  I’m guessing not.

She just passed a $15 minimum wage, you unnuanced douche.

I’m pretty sure the warranty lasts for one year, but it’s definitely not longer than that.  When MS was dealing massive Xbox 360 failures, they extended the warranty for everyone from 1 to 3 years for free.  I think that would be appropriate for Nintendo to do, but I seriously doubt they will.  I am a longtime

Yeah I just had my two Left Joy Cons (which I bought at launch) repaired by a guy on eBay for drift issues. Next time they break, hopefully there will be a Switch Pro to upgrade to. Although, I do have a friend who replaced one with a kit he bought on Amazon for $10. He said it was pretty easy, so that’s what I’ll

If you had read the post, you’d know that you’d have to argue quite a bit with the author to convince him of that.

Ugh I miss this game. Nioh is just not as satisfying (though it is pretty fun).

Nice, looking forward to this one!

I agree with you, and I’d like to think you can’t be that much of an old if you’re using the phrase “an old”.

I agree with you, and I’d like to think you can’t be that much of an old if you’re using the phrase “an old”.

I think this is a great idea that should continue! I am definitely more interested in playing these levels than random ones that Nintendo happens to feature.

Ha ha!  Can’t wait to read this!  I played through this game for the second time just two years ago, so it’s pretty fresh.  Definitely my third favorite mainline entry in the series, after VI and IV.  I’ll be back with thoughts after I finish reading!  Unless you said all that needs to be said, Jason, which is