Rontanamo Bay

I’ve been playing a lot of Nioh recently, in hopes of filling the void in my life created by my beating Sekiro. So that’s what I plan on focusing on. It’s a lot of fun, even though it feels like a few elements from other games cobbled together rather than a unique thing (basically, (Bloodborne+Sekiro) x Diablo).

Here’s a good quote from a publication I had never heard of that summarizes pretty well the impression I got of critics’ opinions about the game:

I didn’t play the game, but the impression I got from the reviews here and at Polygon, and from a handful of metacritic blurbs I read, was that the writing was extremely cliché, and that the metaphors of the androids’ struggles representing those of minority demographic groups were both tired, and ham-fisted in their

You offer no replacement, so what’s the point? “2D open-world action-adventure platformer” is much, much more cumbersome than Metroidvania, which kills your inefficiency argument. Also, the implications of “adventure” in the context of a video game genre is almost as esoteric and unintuitive as the word

Yeah he’s totally like a funnier, more intense Ben Wyatt in The Good Place.

Great answers, great guy, great roll.  Thanks, A.V. Club!

Good for Epic and the Shenmue devs. I don’t play PC games, but if I did, I would want a competitor to Steam that took a lower percentage of profits from developers in exchange for a more barebones platform (does anyone really care about Steam achievements, or those stamps or whatever?). If Steam wants to not keep

Sounds and looks great! I played a lot of Tiny Tower when it first launched in the early years of the App Store, and I enjoyed it a great deal. I never spent any money and probably played more of that game than any other F2P game after We Rule, a game that I eventually spent around $25 total on. I will definitely

Judd came to speak to my high school in ‘98 or ‘99. He was very engaging and the stuff he was talking about was very interesting (mostly Pedro), but I had never seen the show so most of what I remember was trying to figure out who all these people were. But I do remember getting the impression that Pedro was a

Yeah that’s basically what Chris’s reply was.

I see.  Thanks for the reply!

Why would you when you have these fantastic tips right here that respect your intelligence and don’t hold your hand, in addition to warning you against using guides for other versions of this game?

This is great, Chris, thanks so much! I’m playing through Secret of Mana first before I dive into Trials, a game I’ve been waiting for for close to two and a half decades. I beat Secret on the SNES in the 90s, but I’ve played in many times since then and never played past the Upperlands. In any case, this will be

Ok but it’s a gaming website, so it’s ok for it to be echo-y when it comes to politics. It would be a shame for it to be that way when it comes to gaming, and thankfully it’s not.

Ahh it’s so nice to read a gaming website where you can read a piece like this and feel secure knowing that absolutely no one will come to his defense in the comments.  Thanks y’all!

I was talking about having a non-company lawyer track down the guy in a random country at a random friend’s house and call him personally to threaten him. That right there is shady, and it is certainly not “marketing”.

Hey, Kirk! Hope the music thing is going well! As a professional musician and songwriter myself, I feel your pain and/or your joy. Just wanted to thank you for another fantastic tips article. I just bought this game from Amazon for $10 because I loved Sekiro so much, and I feel super prepared - and hyped - to play

That headline plus the byline sure carry a lot of weight.  I had no knowledge of this before now, but now I feel like I might obsess about it until I play it.  Are we to assume MS had a hand in funding this, or will it come to Switch eventually, as all great indie games should?

Me too, though I live in NYC, but yeah, still lots to do when I stay home. The only times I go anywhere else these days are for weddings.

Yeah it’s still a vacation for sure. Staycation is just a specific type of vacation, so you can say fewer words. But you get a star because I LOL’d at the end of your comment, and I often hate people, too.