Rontanamo Bay

Great week. I can’t remember if I’ve ever had two games preordered in a single week, as I do this week. Fantastic time for the staycation I have coming up. And yes, there are people I respect who despise that word, and I’m sure more than a few readers will roll their eyes at it, but I find it a wonderfully succinct

I never played War of the Lions, but I did play and love the original.  Tactics Advance was one of the biggest disappointments in all of video games to me.

I disagree that Aria of Sorrow is better than Symphony, but it is undoubtedly the best portable Castlevania.

Good call, I left that out of my list but it should be on there.  I liked it so much more than Fusion (though I did enjoy it, too).

I love Odin Sphere Leifthraisr. Is that the remake you’re referring to, or is there another Odin Sphere on Vita that I’m not aware of?

Great question! I think my all-time favorite portable game is Zelda Link’s Awakening (very excited for the remake, obviously). After that would probably be Donkey Kong ‘94. My favorite DS game was definitely Kirby Canvas Curse, but it was a bit short to be my favorite portable game ever. And Kid Icarus Uprising

That sounds fantastic!  I got my shipping confirmation for my Switch version a few days ago, so I’m so glad to hear you’re loving it as a SotN fan.

I have another five show weekend, so I’ll be playing a lot of piano. Other than that, I’ve pretty much exclusively been replaying Secret of Mana recently, so I expect it’ll be mostly that. Hopefully I’ll find some time to go back to either Assassin’s Creed Odyssey or The Last of Us Remastered. Also possibly Wargroov

Yeah Arnheim’s real smart. They’re the pride of the Kotaku commenting community.

Ok I get where your coming from, but IMO this is a very severe cynicism to not see Bernie as mostly authentic, one severe enough to never be healthy under any circumstances.

Oh come now.  I don’t plan on ever voting for Bernie Sanders in my life (unless of course he is the Democratic nominee for president in 2020), but it takes a really demented type of cynicism to not think that he believes what he says.  Sure, the POTUS has absolutely no power to make something like this happen, and I

This comment is the only good thing to have come out of this story.

I agree, it’s the same idea, and both games control very well. But the Rayman Run games are about constantly running and avoiding obstacles, while Super Mario Run involves a lot more vertical platforming, and navigating levels in order to grab collectibles, which was a tougher feat to accomplish as an auto-runner,

Oh wow congrats to AlephCK for being the first person I can remember to win two different awards!  Well deserved.  And congrats to Mrichston for a truly fantastic winning entry.

Tomorrow (today) I’m playing piano at rehearsal for several hours. After that, I have several options to choose from. I’m a few hours into Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, and it’s been a minute since I touched it, so I’d like to go back to that. More recently I was on a role with The Last of Us Remastered, which I’m

That’s not what marketing is.

As a 25-year San Antonio Spurs fan, I am still bitter that Kawhi said he “want[ed] to be a Spur for life”. That really didn’t need to be said, especially if he didn’t actually mean it (who knows at the time). But all that said, the Warriors brought his wrath upon themselves when Zaza purposely landed on his ankle.

Great analogy!

There’s a certain narcissism involved with streaming because the streamer makes themself the center of the content. It’s all about what they are doing.  That’s not necessarily true of the other types of content you brought up.  So when you have a group of people who all have decided they are going to broadcast

I stand corrected. You’re right, a quick glance at review aggregating sites shows Strikers Charged received modestly better reviews than the first game, so I did not recall correctly. It was just me and my friends who thought it was uninspired compared to the original.  But the critics are with me on either game not