Rontanamo Bay

I can’t imagine what this game actually will be, but I do trust FromSoft completely to not let Martin’s ego/clout and ignorance of game development to negatively affect the quality of their product. I just spent basically the last three months playing through Dark Souls and Sekiro back to back, so I’m in a bit of a

After I finished Sekiro ten days ago, I started Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, so I’ll definitely continue with that. It’s great, but I was so enthralled with Sekiro, and the combat in AC feels like button mashing in comparison, that it’s not holding my attention very well. So I went back to The Last of Us Remastered,

I totally agree with you about Cole, and consequently I liked Second Son a whole lot, because Delsin was much more sympathetic. It was the first game I ever platinum’d. I suppose the critiques brought up in this piece are true, but they didn’t occur to me as I was playing the game.

I don’t think anyone was referring to games that didn’t exist locally in your disc drive or on your hard drive.  How else would you play such a game without always being connected?

16-bit Final Fantasy XVI would be incredible, but I think another Chrono Trigger would be more likely in that style. Cause there’s no precedent for a modern-looking Chrono Trigger, so you’d have fewer people griping about the choice. But I’m still hoping for the FFVI remake in the Octopath Traveler engine/style.

Well I’m a counterexample. I’m in my 30s and I abhor talking on the phone, and I don’t play games online, nor did I ever have any friendships that depended on phone communication when I was younger. If I want to talk to a friend, I send them a text message. If I want to talk to them in depth, male or female, I ask

Great, thanks!  I don’t care about either of those things you mentioned, so my not having an account would make no difference.

Jordan Vs Bird FTW.

Jordan Vs Bird FTW.

You’re absolutely right. On the other hand, 8bitdo’s wireless retro controllers are beautiful and I can’t wait to see what they come up with for this console.

You’re absolutely right. On the other hand, 8bitdo’s wireless retro controllers are beautiful and I can’t wait to

Excellent, I feel better about my ignorance now.

Ok I have two questions, both of which may be dumb: Does not having a facebook account hinder the usability of the device? And that National Geographic app uses video as opposed to CGI, yes? I don’t have a facebook account, and traveling to real faraway places is the most exciting thing about VR to me.

That’s exactly what I was going to say. I’m betting it’ll be fun for the first few times, but there won’t be enough variation for it to continue to be interesting. Like the Nemesis system in the LotR games, for me at least.  But Ubisoft has surprised me before, so I look forward to them proving us wrong.

No problem!  I’m a big believer in positive reinforcement :)

Ah very interesting! I always enjoy your entries. Thanks, I’ll definitely look into that next time I have a strong idea for a ‘shop.

Nice!  Is that freeware?  I realize I can easily look that up, but I always try to engage in community discussions around here.

Baby-as-Estus Flask is my favorite entry I think.

Free idea for someone who has and knows how to used Photoshop: Death Stranding baby on Yoshi’s back Yoshi’s Island, in place of baby Mario. That’s what I’d do if I shopped.

Except most if not all who have used the Labo VR kit says those games are very smart, very well-made, and a lot of fun for a short amount of time, in addition to being a great starter VR kit for kids. So even if this is garbage, the Nintendo VR experience as a whole is mostly not. And you’d have to have pretty thin

Hmm now I really want to go back and see how much effort it takes to turn my first B-rank into an A. Though it’s more likely that I’ll buy it on Switch when it’s on sale and play through it from the beginning with higher aspirations.

I beat Sekiro last weekend! It was brutally difficult, incredibly fun, and absolutely brilliant. It joins Super Mario 64, Super Mario Galaxy, and God of War (‘18) on the list of games I immediately started a second playthrough of after finishing the first.