Way to go, dragoon! I was super proud of myself for merely beating every level on normal difficulty. It IS so, so good.
Way to go, dragoon! I was super proud of myself for merely beating every level on normal difficulty. It IS so, so good.
Why did this piece, and the CNN piece I read yesterday, both omit citing Schweppes as obviously the superior choice in flavored seltzer these days? I lost more than 50 pounds in a year just by switching from Simply Lemonade and Ginger Ale to Schweppes flavored seltzers, and moving to an apartment two floors higher…
Also, in addition to everyone else’s rebuttals, your last sentence makes no sense. A “commodity” is something that has value and can be used to trade; IOW something that people strive to create or cultivate. I don’t think any developer strives to create disappointment.
I DO understand, yes, and I have a friend that feels the same way. The whole Sonic aesthetic (level design, art, music, animations, etc) is more stylized and specific to that world than Mario games, and arguably more compelling as a result.
Cool, yeah, if you know what you’re in for, you just need to make the time to learn it , as you said. The one point, I really wanted to offer, as you probably are aware of already, is that even though I feel like the game is slightly more difficult that Bloodborne and Dark souls (the only two I’ve played, both to…
I loved Sekiro so much. It’s one of like four games that I immediately started a second playthrough of after beating it. I think the other three were Mario 64, Mario Galaxy, and God of War (2018), for context. Anyway, if you have any questions about the game, please ask. I read a lot of opinions about its…
Yep these are excellent points. All other things being equal, a game with almost no plot that doesn’t make sense will be less bad than a game with a lot of plot that doesn’t make sense. Had Bloodborne had more story but been equally opaque about it, it probably would have been a lesser game. Thankfully Sekiro…
Yeah, but I personally feel like Sonic’s gameplay hasn’t aged as well as Mario’s, and that younger people would find 2D Mario games more accessible than 2D Sonic games. That’s why I’m curious if people who didn’t play them in the 90s can still be hooked by OG Sonic gameplay. Sonic Mania is a fantastic recreation of…
Very interesting that he prefers Mania to the other old games!
The difference of course being that this is a video game, so if it’s compelling and fun to play, the incomprehensible, destination-less plot might not matter. The same could be said about Bloodborne after all, one of the masterpieces of this generation.
Also the free extra content in Kirby Star Allies.
Yeah that was my reaction. People were too unconditionally positive on this game, I knew there was another shoe to drop at some point. I personally never play online though, so I don’t regret my preorder.
Sonic Mania is excellent for those who have a lot of nostalgia for those games. I’m curious: Anyone play and enjoy that game who didn’t grow playing 90s 2D platformers?
Not for me. I thought it was staggeringly effective. It felt very much like the movie Lenny, and it really helped to humanize Bob for me, which was needed at this point in the series.
Great video! My roommate who doesn’t care about video games at all thinks you’re really funny! And so do I, of course.
Yes it is likely both real and a joke. But it could be one or the other. Certainly worth a look, though. Thanks for the info!
What’s happening at noon in Times Square tomorrow? I read the whole article but didn’t see anything about Times Square, so it must be something he mentioned in the video. I have work starting right at noon a block east, and I’m weird.
Right that was it. I was thinking iNFAMOUS, but that looked wrong. Anyway, thanks, I thought it would be nice to get it right for its birthday.
Cool! The game didn’t need it, as it was incredibly fun to traverse the world with your superhero powers. But it does look super fun anyway! Definitely should be in some Sucker Punch game at some point.