As I expected. Better to replay The Last of Us.
My story is exactly the same as yours. The game is pretty good for $25, and frankly I was surprised they were going to include all that Star Fox content in a free update. It does feel intentionally sketchy of Ubisoft, but if the DLC is substantial, I’ll pay $13 for it.
Ah yes this is all excellent. I totally get what you are saying and it is making me more hyped. Yeah, by the time I was actually good at Dark Souls, my favorite enemies were the Black and Silver Knights, so this game sounds like it is aimed directly at Soulsborne fans like me. Plus the grappling hook!
I thought the fight with Gwyn was fantastic! An excellent distillation of the obstacles combat in that game presents. Like Bloodborne, I really appreciated that the last boss was basically the same size as the player character, and devoid of other gimmicks. Simply a master of that game’s combat. It was…
Ok P4G was the first Persona game I played, so I’m new to the way Atlus does this. So there’s no way for people who already own the disc and put 100+ hours into this game to play this new content without buying a new full game and playing through it again?
Thanks for this! I beat Dark Souls for the first time last night, and I’m probably gonna dive into this tonight, so these tips are probably going to be as useful as Natalie’s.
Excellent choices, as four of these shows are among my favorites of all time. I think the end of The West Wing season 3 also deserves a mention, if we’re giving Community two entries. I love Community, but I’d argue “The Black Vera Wang”, “We Killed Yamamoto”, and “Posse Comitatus” are collectively better than the…
Amazing track, Zack!! Thanks for this, I usually feel out of touch when I come across the Kotaku music selection.
Funny, my reaction was the exact opposite of yours.
I’m pretty excited to read some reviews for Days Gone, however it pans out. I hope it’s good! But I’ll also enjoy reading about it if it’s mediocre/disappointing.
Second best 2D action game of the decade IMO, after Hollow Knight.
This happens every time and therefore is no longer newsworthy. Can we stop writing this story? There’s a reason I come here for my gaming news and not IGN.
I think that was a reasonable thing for OP to mention, since the last line of the piece sounds like the author is saying that a physical copy of Jurassic Park would benefit from this mod.
They keep saying they want the console generations to last longer. I guess it sort of did this time? But I do think they will be thinking about future-proofing this time a lot more than in the past, since I’m sure many will be speculating that this could be the last console generation, depending on how cloud-gaming…
Yeah, I’m pretty sure it launched at $600 and was reduced to $500 almost immediately. Or maybe the estimated launch price was $600 but it ended up launching at $500. Either way, there was definitely a huge backlash against a $600 price tag on the PS3 at some point. Anything past $699 would immediately remind one of …
I don’t know anything about the cost of the components they are talking about here, but any time a brand-new console (ie not a souped-up refresh) is launched for more than $400, it is always considered too expensive. So no, I don’t think it will be close to $1000. Yes, the “pro” models of the consoles have primed…
I have absolutely no interest in wading into an argument like this. I wanted to pose another version of the same questions you’ve asked, but I don’t have the energy to deal with the responses. So I’ll just say that I find it very difficult to imagine a scenario where nuance would always be a negative.
I didn’t have any problem with the dragon riding scene, because it didn’t feel like an expression of the two of them falling in love. I don’t know the Avatar reference, but I saw lots of people comparing it to the magic carpet ride in Aladdin, which I don’t think is a good analogy. It was about supporting the idea…