There’s no reason they can’t be playing the remake. It’s a comic strip, dipshit.
There’s no reason they can’t be playing the remake. It’s a comic strip, dipshit.
I totally agree. I feel like there’s a far slimmer chance it would be featured here if the art weren’t so good.
But why wouldn’t they just play the remake then?
Ok but there’s a remake so why not play that.
That’s true. But I almost never like jokes about anything killing itself, even if it is a television, and this wasn’t particularly clever anyway.
Ok usually I don’t think these are very good, but I try to stay quiet about because I don’t want to be too negative and trash other people’s work. But this has to be one of the worst Life in Aggros I’ve come across. Not only is it aggressively unfunny, but it also makes no sense, since the remake of FF XII looks…
Wow exciting gaming weekend for you! I hope everything lives up to your expectations! If you need any Switch recommendations, I’m happy to offer my thoughts.
Just started the next show, so I’ll be playing piano for most of today and tomorrow. Sunday I’ll be playing Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age, Dark Souls, and Starlink: Battle for Atlas, which I picked up for $24 after the last Nintendo Direct revealed that it is basically the newest Star Fox game now. Plus possibly…
Love that classic Schreier Schade at the end! Wr could all use more, please. How’s the fight against Martyr Logarius?
The reason Bernie was polling ahead of Trump is because they never actually engaged with each other. No one actually thought Bernie would be the nominee, so Trump focused all of his ire and bullying at Hillary. The Republicans were doing everything they could to be nice to Bernie so he might be nominated. I’m not…
I agree with most of what you said, but I’m holding out hope that these nominees are cordial and avoid tearing each other to pieces. Since we all abhor the alternative so much. Maybe it won’t be a bloodbath!
Me too, basically. I actually played Final Fantasy and Dragon Warrior before it, but those games barely have any story, so this was the first RPG experience that truly captured my heart and imagination.
They’d sell more copies for sure, yeah. Whether or not the increased sales would make up for the reduced profit margin is a whole different question that I am entirely unfit to answer.
They’d sell more copies for sure, yeah. Whether or not the increased sales would make up for the reduced profit…
You’re right, that’s my mistake. It’s the Sega Genesis Classics collection, which includes Phantasy Stars II-IV. I’ve had that and the SNK collection on my wish list for months ready to pull the trigger when they go on sale. I’d rather spend the money on the whole collection vs a significant fraction of that cost…
I’m not going to read this due to spoilers, but this reminded me that I really want to purchase the Sega Ages Collection on Switch.
You would be weird for thinking the value of a product is entirely based on that, yes. With video games, it is not unreasonable to also base one’s perceived value of a product on the amount of time one gets out of the game.
You would be weird for thinking the value of a product is entirely based on that, yes. With video games, it is not un…
Yeah one of the reasons it still stands out to me so strongly is probably because it was the very first tragic event I ever came across in a video game. I admit that my love for that game relative to other JRPGs does not scale the same as its actual quality and/or influence relative to the same other games.
Come on, where’s Mist?? That’s the inciting incident for that whole game. Cecil brought a bomb to the town without knowing it! That’s heartbreaking!! Why else would he have a reason to betray his king and change his entire identity?
Why? This game arguably has a potentially infinite amount of content, which is not true of BotW. At some point, you will see all there is to do in Hyrule if you play the game long enough, but you can always make a different Mario level.
Why? This game arguably has a potentially infinite amount of content, which is not true of BotW. At some point,…
Yes that has become clear to me!