Rontanamo Bay

Because you’re being contradictory just for the sake of it, and that really bugs me. Particularly since I star your comments all the time, and occasionally respond, but the only times you ever engage with me in actual discussion is to argue about something trivial.  That was not a response to a one time occurrence.

No it really didn’t.  At least not on their mobile sites.  Why are you being a dick about something so trivial?

I’d like to think my comment from two and a half years ago had a hand in getting that ship to sail.  

Eh, that’s pretty shitty, but I wouldn’t call that “both sides-ism”. That’s just a softening of reality during its reporting. Not good for sure, but I was referring specifically to the Times reporters’ coverage of Trump’s presidency. My experience is that they don’t mince words with him. I’ve seen Maggie Haberman,

On social issues I’m so with you on looking for massive leaps forward, for sure. My incrementalism is really limited to economic policy. Unfortunately climate change policy and economic policy are inextricably linked, so I admit that I really don’t know what to think about something like the Green New Deal, other

I keep having a different yet related experience with Resident Evil VII. I desperately want to play through that game, but every time I start, I play it for an hour or two and then never go back to it. It’s not because I can’t handle scary, though; it’s more that I don’t want my game playing time to be that

Did you feel like the DLC was more difficult overall than the game proper? I got nowhere in the DLC, but I figured it was because I had been out of practice at the time that I downloaded it and I didn’t have the patience to hone my skills all over again.

All the NES games you mentioned, probably. I was never very good at TMNT, Ghosts ‘n Goblins, Ninja Gaiden, or Battletoads, but we owned all of them (except Battletoads, which we rented frequently), and I definitely played them.

I’m specifically referring to their reporting since Donald Trump has been president, about Donald Trump. I would strongly disagree with your characterization of those reporters and their reporting if you still feel that applies.

Except don’t forget, it wasn’t outright false! So you were wrong either way.

Ha! What a weak example to support your argument. I read that article when it was published. It is absolutely not “both sides-ism for the sake of it”. It is absolutely true, and it is news. The rhetoric on both sides has absolutely gotten much more mean and personal on both sides because of Donald Trump, and it’s

Wrong.  I am a pragmatic progressive.  I’d also describe myself as an “incrementalist”.  I am not, however, a socialist.

Yeah they didn’t do any of that. Once again, show me evidence.

It went really well, thank you! The writer/director called me after rehearsal one night about four days before we were supposed to open, freaking out about how it was too long and too slow and the kids were dragging and how he was afraid the audience would be tuning out by the third scene. So we cut a scene and a

I personally am smart enough to recognize the difference between criticising liberals (something the NYT does all the time), and making an effort to appear fair to both sides just for the sake of it (something the New York Times has not done since Trump has been president).  If you think I’m wrong, show me evidence,

Where’s your evidence?  Show me a piece that proves me wrong.

“hand-wringing ‘both sides tho’ NYT op-ed” is a disingenuous and unhelpful turn of phrase. The New York Times has not been guilty of both sides-ism at all during the Trump presidency. Even their conservative editorialists have been highly critical of the Trump administration, and in the words of John Dean, the media

Ok that’s kinda mean but also pretty funny.

Finished South Park The Fractured But Whole last week (very enjoyable for South Park fans!), and I’m deep into FFXII: The Zodiac Age now, so I’ll he focusing on that, along with Dead Cells and Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom on Switch. I also want to go back to Dark Souls (also on Switch), which I haven’t really

Nah, that’s much too harsh. In this day and age, I’m discovering it’s as important for people to be nice to themselves as it is that they be kind to each other. The number of times I hear the words “I’m so stupid” come out of teenagers and college students with whom I work is very depressing.