Damn! Great lineup. On a related note, does anyone have any insight on the cheapest place to get a proprietary Vita memory card? Have they come down in price at all? I’m so sick of deleting and re-downloading old PSX games.
Damn! Great lineup. On a related note, does anyone have any insight on the cheapest place to get a proprietary Vita memory card? Have they come down in price at all? I’m so sick of deleting and re-downloading old PSX games.
Yeah, devoid of context, I would totally agree with you. But given Valve’s history and tactics, it seems petty and hypocritical. IOW, what Epic did seems totally in line with things Valve has done. Dick move, yes, but Valve has no cause to complain.
Aha, I see what you are saying. Yes, that makes sense. Not quite as outrageous as I though, but still entirely hypocritical and petty.
Best headline so far this year.
Best headline so far this year.
Ultimately they are just complaining about competition though.
Are they seriously famously Libertarian over there at Valve? And then they complain about market competition. Ridiculous. What a bunch of poseurs.
I’m sad I never played Alien Crush Returns. Loved that game on the TG-16.
Aha, that makes sense. So the headline is accurate, then. Thank you for the explanation, Sage. Your wisdom is always appreciated.
“beaten Mario U using the fewest number of right button presses”.
This is really interesting, but did he actually beat a Mario game without moving right? It sounds from the text like he beat it by pressing right a very small number of times.
I blew through NSMBUD pretty quickly (I still have star coins to collect and Star Road levels to beat, which I’ll continue to do), so I downloaded Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom last night. But I do have an awful lot of work this weekend, so I’ll be playing as much of that and FFXII:TZA as I can during my breaks…
That was exactly my reaction. There’s supposedly been an Untitled Retro Studios Project in the works for five years, which I’ve been champing at the bit to hear about. And while Metroid Primes 1-3 are great games, I was kind of done with that particular sub-franchise by the end. This news is kind of disappointing…
This was super interesting! Sorry I missed the stream. I almost never watch twitch but I would have watched this live had I known.
I read it as IX too and had a similar reaction.
Yeah, I think grinding gets you farther in Bloodborne because more aggro tactics work better.
I’m not great at parrying, though I did beat them once so clearly at some point I was better at it. But I don’t think I knew that you could interrupt the mage’s spells, so that definitely will help if I ever attempt the fight again. But with my limited gaming time, I’d rather get through Dark Souls the first time…
Beware the Shadows of Yharnam. They are the only mandatory boss I’d describe as more difficult than Father Gascoigne, and where I gave up my New Game + playthrough.
I think the only games I’ve bought more than twice (other than possibly Tetris) are the first three Mega Man games, which I bought individually on Wii VC and then in the Mega Man Legacy Collection on both 3DS and Switch. But Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is the game that I’ve played on more platforms than any other.…
As others have said, I’m surprised you haven’t ordered a Flip Grip. It’s great!
I finished RDR2 on January 1st. Hoping for some single-player DLC, although I realize that’s unlikely given RDR Online. I strongly encourage everyone to play past chapter 6 if possible, but at the very least through chapter 5. I absolutely think it’s worth it, although it seems I am in the minority in thinking the…