Rontanamo Bay

Ok seriously what is the deal with the OXO Cold Brew brewer? You posted it yesterday and I looked at 11:05am and it wasn’t on sale. Now you’ve posted it again and I’m looking twenty minutes earlier and it’s not on sale.  Is it like a gold box deal that they only have a very limited stock to put on sale, or is there

Ok seriously what is the deal with the OXO Cold Brew brewer? You posted it yesterday and I looked at 11:05am and it

Yep, I felt that way, too.

I’m not seeing that price at all. Does it need a code? Or is the deal already over, less than three hours after you posted this?

I’m not seeing that price at all. Does it need a code? Or is the deal already over, less than three hours after you

For the third time in two months, I indulged in the Nintendo eShop’s sale, so I’ll be playing Pianista (followed Fahey’s lead on that and am not disappointed) and Lumines Remastered, along with the obligatory RDR2, Smash Bros, and Dead Cells. I’m in the middle of chapter 5 in RDR2 so I’m hoping to make a lot of

Within the context of her List, it felt to me like Gita was presenting the screenshots as evidence of the game being worthy of being on a top 10 list, because of how she wrote about all the other games on her list, and due to how she presented the screenshots “in lieu of actually writing something”. And I was just

Fair enough

I loved Pocket City, but what does one do once your map is totally filled? I could have spent more time playing that game if it felt like there was anything else I could do in it.

C’mon, that was not that grouchy. “Not very useful” is a pretty mild critique for the Internet. And I do feel like I’ve played a bunch of 2D platformers in the last ten years that had beautiful art but could not hold my interest, and Gris’s style reminds me of those games.

“Wonderful” is not specific enough a descriptor to convey any useful information, and I find it annoying to have to click away from a page to get the substance of what I’m reading.  But maybe that’s just me.

A group of screenshots is not a very useful justification for a game being on a top 10 of the year list. There are plenty of incredibly beautiful yet boring 2D platformers out there.

For a different perspective, I put about 20 hours into the game when it first came out, and I went back to it at some point this year. It did not feel terribly different to me at all, just more streamlined and with more varied environments.  I didn’t delve into the base building very much, so if that’s your thing,

You’re absolutely right about it not being obvious, and I apologize. I didn’t know there were two different sizes of iPad Pro, I thought it was just the 12.9" version. Now that I know that, the smaller one does seem superfluous.

You’re absolutely right about it not being obvious, and I apologize. I didn’t know there were two different sizes

I see, that is my mistake then.  I did not realize there was an iPad Pro that was smaller than the 12.9" version.  My apologies.  I suppose in that case, the smaller iPad Pro could be totally superfluous.

I see, that is my mistake then.  I did not realize there was an iPad Pro that was smaller than the 12.9" version.

I’m enjoying World of Light, but Subspace Emmisary from Brawl was far more compelling. Brawl might still be my favorite Smash Bros just because of that mode, but Ultimate does feel better to control, and that and the enormous roster does make that choice hard.

Damn, Kirk, that’s a real bummer. You are my favorite composer of prose on this site. And your Tips for Playing Bloodborne and Red Dead Redemption 2 are, along with Jason’s review of FFXV, the pieces of video game writing that had the most profound effect on how I’ve spent my time, the former because it convinced me

How broad is the range of composers in terms of time periods? Is it evenly spread among baroque through romantic, or does it lean heavily on one era? Does it go into 20th century composers? How much is there from the impressionists?  I’ve been trying unsuccessfully to find a track list or composer list online. I’d

I gotta say, I don’t think the Trump thing belongs on here, just because every single day, he or his administration does something unbelievably awful either through policy, lies, hypocrisy, or general breaches of decorum, that he blaming violent video games for mass shootings once isn’t really notable in any way.

Yes, because it is bigger.  How is that not obvious?  When you read from an iPad Pro, the screen is about the size of a normal sheet of music.  When you read from a smaller iPad, the screen is smaller that normal sheet music.  That can make it harder for some people.

Yes, because it is bigger.  How is that not obvious?  When you read from an iPad Pro, the screen is about the size



I think it’s great, too, and I like that it’s really long. I just wish you could play co-op.