Rontanamo Bay

Ok I totally rolled my eyes at that story about someone at Nintendo saying “no one will want to miss the Smash Ultimate DLC characters”, and that they were going to be “mind-blowing” or something along those lines, but I take it all back. This is far more exciting than I ever imagined it would be. “JESUS FUCK” was th

Very pleased that Dead Cells got Best Action Game. Good for that strange French company with no bosses.

Totally agree. I think I’m going to remember the experience of RDR2 for much longer than that of GoW, but the latter was an amazing game.

Damn I was really hoping for a compelling adventure mode. I guess this isn’t my ultimate Smash Bros.

I really have to finish Dragon’s Trap.

I have, and it’s a very solid third place choice for the year.

I only get manuals with physical versions of indie games that are mainly downloaded, like Undertale, The Binding of Isaac, and Shovel Knight.

GTAV came with the same type of map as previous GTA games (ie a pretty large one). RDR2 came with a small map, and the Special Edition also came with a larger map, both of which are made of the same standard paper.

Yeah, the school I work at is a fairly prominent arts school and we try to run things as close to standard Broadway protocol as possible. The 12-hour rehearsal is called a “ten out of twelve”, cause we take two 1-hour meal breaks (though I usually stay in the theater in case people have questions or I need to

Sure! I’m a music director for musical theatre productions. Currently I’m doing two shows, one at a middle school and one at a university. We’re in tech right now (at this moment in fact) for the show at the university, so we have twelve hours tomorrow, along with four hours tonight and on Sunday.

I have 16 hours of rehearsal this weekend, in addition to the six more hours of rehearsal I have today, so mainly I’ll be playing piano. Hopefully I’ll have time for some RDR2, Dead Cells, and/or Dark Souls, which was exactly what I played last weekend.

It seems to me it is a reasonable opinion to believe that using the phrase “from river to sea” is completely devoid of nuance, given the phrase’s history. I’d bet you anything that if he didn’t use that phrase, one that both is used by people who don’t want Israel to exist, AND implies itself that Israel shouldn’t

I want to say two things, both of which, surprisingly, seem to put me in a very small minority in this particular comment thread: First, all the Kotaku editors who write reviews are intelligent, unbiased, and good at writing, and to say any of them is biased for or against any game developer or publisher is absurd.

Cool, good to know.  Thanks!

Gotcha, thanks!  I will definitely download it.

I’ve done that before.  It usually works.

Never mind, I was getting the name wrong. It looks like the Western versions are translated as “Dancing Star Night”. The Vita version still seems to be kind of rare though.

Awesome! Yeah I definitely had those reversed. I thought Dragon’s Trap was the first game and that the upcoming one was MB III.

Sounds great! I had a lot of fun with P4:DAN on Vita, but I found the story decidedly less interesting than P4 proper, and the wordiness of the story detracted from the experience for me. So this sounds ideal. Putting the P5 game on my wish list right now.

Is it possible the Wonder Boy games are missing because of the excellent remasters available/coming soon on Switch? Or are those games also available on PS4 and Xbone? Wonder Boy: Dragon’s Trap is a remaster of Monster World, yes?