Rontanamo Bay

(Not) Sorry to say but you have no idea what you are talking about. I have several friends from South Korea and they are crazy about musicals there. Most of the friends who went back there make their livings writing, producing, and/or performing in musicals. I know people who came from Venezuela, Italy, France,

I don’t want to do that either.  I love video games, which is why I spend most of my free time playing them, and why the only social media I engage in at all is commenting on this and other gaming sites.  I was merely trying to point out the larger irony of Gita impugning my profession.

I’m reminded of a favorite saying of my father: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

That is a brilliant idea.  Musical theatre nerds are probably the only nerds who would be equally good at cosplaying as gamer and anime nerds.

I beg to differ. The way it was phrased - I like Ariana Grande and Brittney Spears, and even like a musical or two - is a very clear implication it is generally accepted that musicals are a lesser form of art than the music of Brittney Spears and Ariana Grande.  I’ve been mocked for working entirely within musical

Shigeru Miyamoto created Mario and Zelda, among other things. Hideo Kojima created the Metal Gear franchise, was a principal designer on PT, and is currently working on Death Stranding. Ken Levine founded Irrational Entertainment and created Bioshock. You’re welcome.

Thanks very much for saying that.  I was in a jury pool once, and I heard audible snickers once when I announced that I had a degree in writing musical theatre, so I’ve been kind of sensitive about that ever since.

Ok that was pretty funny, but I work in musical theatre, and I did find her comment pretty insulting. But if you were referencing the South Park episode (and not just the youtube video), I do appreciate the reference.

How do you mean? People in the business generally consider West Side Story the greatest musical in history.

and have even admitted to myself that I like a musical or two”

This just doesn’t seem all that newsworthy, certainly not close at all to the import of your previous two investigative pieces. Personally I think cancelling the third expansion was exactly the right thing to do for two reasons: One, Diablo III was a huge success by all measures, and there is a ton of content for it.

This is an excellent gift idea.  Thanks, Shep!

This is an excellent gift idea.  Thanks, Shep!

Seriously, look up what satire is.  Also, try looking up Mike Judge’s resume and comparing it Ninja’s.

Ok I stopped reading pretty early so I apologize if this was addressed later in the article, but would IcyFive actually have faced consequences for stream-sniping if they had done it? It seems to me if one chooses to display publicly what one’s game looks like, one should have to accept anything that comes from that.

Two modern classics: Red Dead Redemption II and Undertale.

Nice, it worked for me for a Nintendo eshop card.  Thanks, Shep!

Nice, it worked for me for a Nintendo eshop card.  Thanks, Shep!

You know what’s funny?  I just tried to use that sort button, and it doesn’t work at all.  At least on mobile.  My comment from September 2016 is at the top of the thread whether I choose Newest or Oldest first.

Yep I’m aware. That wasn’t the case when I originally posted the comment over two years ago, and you’re not the first person to point out that it’s different now.  Though you probably were the most polite to do so.

Ok now I’m very curious. Did not enough editors finish RDR2 yet in order for you all to make informed decisions? Or is the consensus that it really is not as good a game as the 12 games on this list? The latter option seems pretty farfetched given what I’ve read and heard Kirk and Jason write and say about the game.

Oh yeah, certainly not necessary at all. I’m somewhere around paragon level 260 on PS4, and I definitely prefer local co-op to single player. But it just seems like the perfect semi-mindless grindy game to play while I’m binging The Good Place reruns.