Rontanamo Bay

Damnit I want Diablo on Switch so bad, but I have many far more important things to spend my extremely limited disposable income on.

So is Adrian Pimento dead to you, then?

Wow, is this a secret hot take with the whole putting AC Odyssey and not RDR2 on here?

No. Nor do I think Tetris Effect should be free. A machine-made chess set made of non-precious material should definitely not cost more than $30 though, so I’m not quite sure what your point is.

I would star this post, but y’all got rid of stars for posts for some reason...

His reasoning for not streaming with women is extremely dumb, and it’s incredibly hard to believe it is the only explanation, precisely because it’s so stupid. I personally do not believe for a second that is the only reason he doesn’t stream with women, particularly since a solution to the same problem would simply

Wait wait, which white people are allowed to say that word now? And how do they know? Did they get an email? Did they win some sort of sweepstakes? Who got to decide which white people get to use racially incendiary language and which don’t? I’m very confused. I hope that some black people were consulted on these

Finally got into a groove with Undertale, so I’m looking forward to spending a lot of time with that. Also, probably some more Red Dead Redemption 2and Dark Souls on Switch.

Ok, well that is your opinion, and it is not unreasonable. I’d argue that it’s unfair to say all $35 games are “budget titles”, while all $40 ones are not, which is exactly what you are saying (IOW that anything below $40 is “budget”), but it is certainly debatable. However, that’s not what your first comment was.

No it’s not. This is a version of Tetris. The first version of Tetris was first released 30 years ago. Those are facts, and the only facts my statement to which you referred implies.

What is the logical fallacy where your retort to my statement is rebutting an argument I didn’t actually make?  Look it up, cause you’re super guilty of it.

If you think that I think a game is just gameplay, then you’ve misinterpreted my comment. That’s why I used the word “enough”, to avoid people making that mistake. But a puzzle game is mostly gameplay, regardless of any atmosphere put upon it. Monument Valley, for example, has a pretty heavy atmospheric component

Who’s that?

I disagree. Mario Kart feels totally different depending on what track you are racing on. The modifications to Tetris in this game (just my own speculation based on reading Paul’s review) wouldn’t fundamentally alter the core Tetris game the way a new set of tracks alters Mario Kart’s gameplay. But again, I admit I

I know it’s not the same game, but having read your review, it seems like it’s enough of the same game (same basic gameplay with additions that complicate the gameplay, rather than fundamentally new game mechanics) that it should be cheaper, disregarding the VR. If I had VR, I might agree with you.

I’m totally with you on the last paragraph of this game. I’m adoring Red Dead Redemption 2, but sometimes it is much too grim for today’s world. However, $40 is too much for a game that was first released 30 years ago and that most of us have purchased at least three times already. Unless maybe if one has VR, which

Well obviously you do, because you took the time to respond.  Also, 29 people have recommended my comment.  So basically, booooooooooooo.

The headline was changed since we made these comments, presumable because the author saw our comments and agreed. Before, the headline was “75% of FFXV’s DLC Was Just Cancelled”, which led us to ask the exact same question you posed.

So we should deny the companies that are still around royalties they deserve because other unrelated companies went away, and because you don’t like Sony? That does not make sense.

As a content creator who makes makes money from other people licensing my work, I care.