Rontanamo Bay


Unfriendly reminder that that is illegal unless you own all the games, that your solution is likely to be as or more expensive than the retro box depending on what the user owns (I for example do not own a USB keyboard, just the wireless Apple Magic Keyboard), that some people want to pay for aesthetics (which is no

I was going to be thay guy, though less angry. But the headline is absolutely clickbait-y.

Excellent piece, Cecilia. I am very surprised the reporter refused to comment. One would think journalists know more than anyone the importance of open dialogue, listening thoughtfully to criticism, and not doubling down.

This has usually been in stock at Gamestop, if anyone misses it at Amazon.  I haven’t checked since I got the preorder from Best Buy in early October, but it seemed to be always in stock when I checked.

This has usually been in stock at Gamestop, if anyone misses it at Amazon.  I haven’t checked since I got the

I actually took it as a crack on both the controls and the impatience of the NPCs.

Looking forward to reading the text of your interview.  Hope you made it through the murlocs in time!

I find the Vans to be the most ugly. And the prices back me up on that.  That grey stripe is super tacky.

I find the Vans to be the most ugly. And the prices back me up on that.  That grey stripe is super tacky.

I don’t think anyone is.  But I think the game is brilliant.

Again, I’ll ask: How would you know any of that? You haven’t played it. And Nathan didn’t say any of that, other than it has similar mechanics to some existing mobile games.

How would you know that?  You haven’t played it.

They should charge a semi-premium price for this, say $6 or $8, offer it for 50% off to start, and then make all microtransactions purely cosmetic. Maybe paid DLC later, if it does really well. That would maximize income and hype/buzz, both of which are important, and not necessarily totally correlated.

Maybe you’re right, but I tend to feel that the people who say things like that on websites like this are thinking inside their own circles and not about the public at large. Either way though, I think looking at the superhero movies since 2008 is a much better indicator of which movie had more influence than a bunch

Yes, I agree completely.  That’s not what this article was asking, so I stand by everything I said, but at the time, it definitely felt like a much bigger deal than Iron Man.  But I felt the way I feel - and the way you feel (it being less than the sum of its parts is a wonderfully succint way to express my opinion of

I disagree with a lot of what you’ve written, but I so appreciate finally reading a professional movie critic write what I’ve known all along: Despite Heath Ledger’s performance, The Dark Knight is overrated. The plot is a big mess, the pacing is weird, and I don’t really know what the movie is about (“insanity

The only one of these I’ve seen is One-Eyed Jacks, because, strangely, it seems no one holds the copyright, so my friend and I briefly flirted with the idea of turing it into a musical. But yeah, that film is excellent. Obviously I’m not a Western expert in any way, but I’m not sure why that movie isn’t more

Wait wait, how long have I been eating zombie mayonnaise?

Oh damn amazing! That’s great, thanks very much for letting me know and correcting my misconception. I will certainly not cancel my preorder now. The other commenter who mentioned it didn’t know if there was co-op at all, did you get an impression on that one way or the other?

Actually I didn’t know there was an adventure mode at all.  Was that announced today?  

That’s not at all a solution, since TrustedReviews didn’t leak anything. They published stuff that was leaked to them. The leaker should be litigated against, but I don’t understand how TrustedReviews should be liable for anything.