Rontanamo Bay

I think you’re being unfair to Jeffery Toobin, and CNN in general. In the last year I’ve felt the anchors and non-partisan pundits have dampened their instinct to treat both sides “equally” quite a bit, and have called out GOP politicians far more than they did while Obama was president. Toobin hasn’t been peddling

Wow this is the Ultimate disappointment.  How can they possibly think this is the Ultimate version of Smash Bros if it lacks a co-op adventure mode? This really makes me want to cancel my preorder for the Special Edition.


This has got to be the dumbest story you’ve ever left as your top headline for the remainder of the day it was posted. I’m crossing my fingers (in my sleep) that when I have to wake up in five and a half hours, something else will be at the top of the page.

This is an excellent list! First off, I’ve played all of these games, which pleases me (though I never played Doom 3 in VR, or very much at all). And I absolutely share all of these fears, except for the last two.

Your second point here was the most important one for me to accept. I used to have the same problem, where I would avoid playing a AAA game if I only had an hour or less of free time. My playthrough of RDR2 is the first time where I’ve completely let that go. Reading Kirk’s tip advising players to take their time

Anyone cancelling their preorder? I think I’m going to. I suppose I’ll just download the games I was hoping for (none of which was included) to my Vita. I already have Twisted Metal 2, Parasite Eve, SotN, and FFVII-IX and Tactics on there, and it all works pretty well. Would have been nice to use a real controller,

Hopefully soon they’ll be able to add the funny, then they’ll be all set.

Love that 37% number!  At least one of the stats was happy this week.

I’ll be having some multiplayer fun later today with Diablo III and Enter the Gungeon. Later, after my roommate comes home and wants to binge The Good Place, I’ll be playing Dark Souls on Switch. And during my down time while I’m waiting to perform this morning, I’ll be playing Dragon Quest IV on my iPhone.

Right, that’s where I was going wrong, I forgot the files were compressed on the disc.

I assume you’re talking about Odyssey, which I haven’t played the yet.  But I took a ton of photos in AC: Origins, another beautiful game.

I love the line, “I’m only going to play as much RDR2 as my Nintendo Switch will run”. I lol’d.

Ok so I just started the installation process and for those of you who see this and are curious of the answer, it looks like I was wrong that no data is copied from the Game Disc. Seems like there is about 89 gigs of data that is copies from the two discs. Also it’s downloading a 3.5 gig patch, but there doesn’t

Please explain to me how I was debating in bad faith. Everything I said was a direct, sunstantive response to your nonsense critiques of my comments. I hope you didn’t think you could accuse me of complete bullshit and think I wasn’t going to respond.

Yes I am well aware.  Hence why I referred to the “Data Disc” instead of just the disc.  I read that no data from the Game Disc is installed. Do you know that to be incorrect? And even if it’s not, don’t blu rays hold like 47 gigs? So 99 would be more than two blu rays, plus the fact that there’s no way all the

Anyone know how much data the physical version needs to download?  I assume it’s quite a bit, since it needs 99 gigs of space, and that is way more data than the one Data Disc can hold.

I’m not done telling you how wrong you are, so you can stick around for that or not.

Tell me one thing that I said that was incorrect.

Yeah, it rivals Todd Van Der Waff’s reviews of Community’s second season episodes that he wrote for the AV Club for the best pop culture reviews I’ve ever read.